Chapter 5: The Southern Air Temple.

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Mia sat quietly next to the lake. She had her eyes closed and sat in her meditation pose. She tried so hard not to think about Zuko, but it was just impossible for her. She gave up by opening her eyes, and she looked to the faint sun, that hung in the sky, just above the river. It was early in the morning.

"Wait 'till you see it, Katara," Aang said, "the Air Temple is one of the most beautiful places in the world."
Katara, who sat in the saddle on Appa's back, packing their stuff turned around and said: "Aang, I know you are excited but, it's been a hundred years since you've been home."
"That's because I am so excited!" Aang replied.
"It's just that a lot can change in all that time." Katara said.
"I know, but I need to see it for myself." Aang said and jumped off Appa's back and landed softly like a cat on the ground.

Aang walked to the sleeping Sokka, and yelled to him: "Wake up Sokka! Air Temple here we come!"
"Sleep now... Temple... Later...." Sokka replied. Mia walked up to Aang and they looked at eachother. Mia grabbed a wooden stick off the ground and she started to scream panicky: "Sokka! Sokka, wake up! There's a prickle snake in your sleeping bag!" And with the stick she rushed over his sleeping bag, like a snake.

"Aaaaaagh!Get if off! Get it off!!" He yelled, jumping around and he fell on the ground. "Great! You are awake, let's go!" Aang said. They all sat down in the saddle soon they were on their way.


They flew over a blanket of clouds and within the hour Sokka was already complaining. Against his stomach. "Shhh! Be quiet stomach! I'm trying to find us some food!" Sokka said and searched through his stuff. He grabbed a bag but it was all empty. "Hey! Who ate all my blubbered seal jerky?" Sokka asked irritated.
"Oh... That was food? I used it to start the campfire last night, Mia said it was okay." Aang replied.
"WHAT?! MIA?!" He yelled.
"Sorry...." She replied, not succeeding to keep her smile hidden.

"Awww... No wonder the flames smelled so good!" Sokka mumbled. "Wait a minute... YOU COULD USE YOUR FIRE BENDING!!!" Sokka yelled.
"Oh yeah... I am just not used to firebending in your presence... So yeah... Yeah." Mia said and looked to the other way.
To break the ice Aang yelled shortly after: "The Batola mountain range! We're almost there!"

"Aang... Before we enter the temple I want to talk to you about the air benders..." Mia said and satdown next to him.
"What about 'em?"
"Well, we just want you to be prepared for what you might see," Mia replied, "The Fire Nation is ruthless. They killed Sokka and Katara's mother and they could have done the same to your people."
"Mia, just because no one has seen an airbender, doesn't mean the Fire Nation killed them all," Aang said, "they probably escaped."

Mia sighed and knew that Aang was stubborn. She also knew that they didn't escape... At least she said it, so she sat down in the saddle again, leaving Aang alone. They took a steep angle up, and finally after 2000 feet, they saw it. "There it is... The Southern Air Temple." Aang said.
"Aang, it's beautiful!" Mia and Katara yelled at the same time. It was white for the most part, with shades of blue, pink and yellow.

Appa landed all the way down the road, that should let them to the top, the front door. It was a long way and of course, Sokka started to complain. Again. "So... Where do I get something to eat?"
"You are lucky enough to be one of the first outsiders to ever visit an airbender temple and all you can think about is food?!" Mia asked. "I am just a simple guy with simple needs..." Sokka replied.

Mia was wandering around a bit and kinda lost the others. She walked into a kind of hall, but got stuck in front of a huge door, she could not open. She sat down and just at the moment, Aang walked in, followed by Katara and Sokka. "Ah, there you are!" Sokka said. "Yeah..." Mia replied. "Katara, whoever's in there might help me to figure out this Avatar thing!"
"And what is it exactly?" Mia whispered to Katara.
"A sanctuary..." Katara replied.

There wasn't a key to open it, but ofcourse, the key was Airbending. The door opened and Aang entered the room. "Hello? anyone home?" He yelled. The rest followed him into the dark room. There were so many statues, countless of them. "Who are all these people?" Mia asked. "I'm not sure... But I feel like I know them somehow." Aang replied. "Look! There's an airbender," Mia said and she pointed to a man with the sign of the airbenders on his chest, "and there's a waterbender!"
"They're ined up in a pattern. Air, water, earth and fire." Katara said.
"That's the Avatar cycle!" Aang replied.
"Of course... They're Avatars." Mia said amazed.

"Wow there are so many..." Aang said. "Your past lives!" Katara said. "Pffft... Do you really believe that stuff?" Sokka asked.
"It's true. When the Avatar dies he's reincarnated into the next nation in the cycle." Mia said.
"The Avatay before Aang was Avatar Ruko, from the Fire Nation." Mia said. They heard a sound. And quickly they hid behind a statue.

"Firebender, nobody make a sound." Sokka said.
"You are making a sound." Mia said.
Two shadows approached them and when they were ready to attack, they were pretty amazed.
"Lemur!" Aang yelled.
"Dinner! Sokka yelled.
"Awww!" Katara yelled.
"A cat!" Mia yelled!

Aang and Sokka started to run after the monkey looking creature and Mia walked to the cat. It was a chubby, white looking kitten with clear blue eyes.
"What a cutie Mia said and grabbed the little one up. How can she come all the way up here?" Mia asked. "I have had a cat once... Zuko gave me him for my birthday. His name was Tiger. He was black with red shading eyes." Mia whispered. "You can keep this one if you want." Katara said. "Yes, that would be nice." Mia said. "You'll be Aoi."

Suddenly, the eyes of all the statues turned blue, a light came out of it. "Aang!" Katara yelled and she started to run. Mia followed, with Aoi in her arms. A large tornado was around Aang and Sokka hid behind a low wall. "What happened?" Mia asked. "He found out that firebenders killed Gyatso, his master." Sokka replied. "Oh, no! It's his Avatar spirit!" He must have triggered in it! I am gonna try and calm him down." Katara said and walked towards Aang. "Well do it, before he blows us off the mountain!" Sokka replied. Suddenly Aang rose, with a large bowl of air around him.

"Aang, I know you are upset and I know how hard it is to lose the people you love. I went through the same thing when I lost my mom..." Katara yelled," Monk Gyatso and the other airbenders may be gone, but you still have a family. Sokka, Mia and I are your family now!"
Aang calmed down and he landed on the ground. "Aang, we won't let anything happen to you." Mia said. "Promise." Sokka replied. Katara grabbed his hand. "It's okay." Katara said. "You are right, if the firebenders have gone here, they have visited the other temples too. I am really the last Airbender." Aang said quietly.

Mia, Katara and Sokka grabbed the stuff, while Aang was still in the sanctuary. After a few minutes they went to get him and suddenly the Lemur ran up to Sokka and put some fruit in front of his feet. "Looks like you made a new friend Sokka." Aang said. "Can't talk. Must eat." Sokka replied. They all walked back to Appa, with lots of fruits. "Looks like we have two new members in the family," Mia said and stroked Aoi's little back, "Aoi and.....?"
-"How are you going to name him?" Katara asked. "Momo!" Aang replied, after the lemur grabbed an orange out of Sokka's hand. They all laughed andwhen the night fell, they left the Air Temple.

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