Chapter 6: The Warriors of Kyoshi

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"So, you have no idea where we are going to?" Sokka asked.
"Well... I know it's close to clearwater. I guess we're getting close then." Aang replied when they flew over the endless sea.
Mia was all away in her thoughts. She dreamt she was back at the Fire Nation, like nothing ever happened. Just everything back to normal. But she knew that wasn't possible at all. She actually missed Iroh very much. How much she desired to some Ginseng tea, both their favorite. Maybe they have some Ginseng to where they are heading to, but who knows, they will get in trouble again.

Appa landed after an hour on a kind of island, in the middle of the ocean.
"We just made a pit stop yesterday," Sokka said, "Shouldn't we get a little more flying done before we camp out?"
"He's right. At this rate we won't get to the North Pole until spring." Katara said.
"Then the ice have already melted." Mia joked, but no one got it.
"But Appa's tired already, aren't you boy?" Aang said stroking him, "I said aren't you boy?" Appa yawned and you could see he was really "tired" .

"Yeah that was really convincing. Still, hard to argue with a ten ton magical monster." Sokka said grumpy.
"Look!" Aang yelled and he pointed to the sea. Suddenly a giant, giant fish, bigger than Appa jumped out of the sea like a dolphin and swum away. With an open mouth Katara and Sokka looked to it. "That's why we're here elephant koi. And I am going to ride it! Mia, Katara you've gotta watch me!" Aang said excited while he put his clothes off. Aang dived into the cold water and he yelled it was cold. Sokka looked to Mia. "Nuts..." He whispered. Mia shrugged and watched Aang how he swum towards the fish.

Aang disappeared, but suddenly the elephant koi rose out of the water, with Aang holding his dorsal fin. "That's so amazing, he can really ride it!" Katara yelled amazed. "Are you kidding? The fish is doing all the work..." Sokka replied, very unimpressed. Katara looked behind her. "No, Appa! Don't eat that!" She yelled and ran towards Appa.
Sokka and Mia saw a huge shadow in the water and Mia yelled: "Aang! There's something big in the water!"

Katara ran back to Sokka and Mia and yelled: "What's wrong?"
"Aang is in trouble." Mia replied.
"Get out of there!" Katara yelled to Aang.
Aang did not heart them and he lost his balance and fell in the water. Suddenly a huge fin, bigger than the fish Aang was om, rose out of the water. Aang screamed and he swum, faster than any man can do, back to shore. With full speed he bumped up to Sokka, who smacked against a tree.

"What was that thing?!" Katara asked.
"I don't know..." Aang said when he pit his clothes back on.
"Well, let's not stick around and find out. Time to hit the road." Sokka said.

Just when Sokka said that, shadows passed by. Mia got hit on her head and within 10 seconds she and her accomapnies were bound and got thrown on the sand. Aoi and Momo were put in sacks, also thrown in the sand.
"Or we could stay a while..." Sokka said quietly.


The four got brought away and bound to a big pole, blindfolded. A heavy voice asked them: "What were you four doing here?" Then another voice was heard, a female one: "And if you don't answer all our questions, we will throw you back in the water for the Unagi."
"Show yourselves cowards!" Sokka yelled.

When they got their blindfolds off, they saw a few women in front of them. "Who are you? Where are the men who ambushed us?" Sokka asked.
"Kyoshi..." Mia whispered quietly.
"There were no men, we ambushed you!" The woman said, "now tell us, who are you and what are you doing here?"
"Wait a second there's no way a bunch of girls can beat us!" Sokka said mocking. "A bunch of girls?!" The front woman asked and grabbed him by his coat. "No, don't hurt him! He didn't mean it. My brother is just an idiot sometimes." Katara said quicky and the woman let his collar go.

"It's my fault," Aang said, "I only wanted to ride the Eleplant Koi..."
"How do we know you are no Fire Nation spies?" The man asked, "Kyoshi stayed out of the war so far. And we intended to keep it that way."
"The island is named for Kyoshi? I know Kyoshi!" Aang said excited.
"Ha!" The man said, "how could you possibly know her? Avatar Kyoshi was born here four hundred years ago. She's been dead for centuries."
"I know here because I am the Avatar..." Aang said.
"That's impossible! The Avatar died a hundred years ago." The woman said.

Mia lost her shoes and her feet started to freeze in the snow. It was impossible for her to heat her feet up, so she bit on her lips. "Throw the imposter to the Unagi!" The man said. "How dare you?" Mia yelled to the man. "Aang please do some airbending!" Katara whispered panicky, when the white skinned, face painted women approached them. Aang suddenly shot up out of the robes and landed very, very lightly back in the soft snow. "It's true... You are the Avatar!" The man said amazed and he bend.


"Are you sure it was her, Prince Zuko?" Iroh asked with his mouth ful. "Of course it was her!" Zuko yelled angrily, "the way she looked at me... With those big blue eyes. It was definately her." Iroh smiled. "Oh, how much I desire to see Mia again," Iroh said, "she was so sweet."
Zuko moaned. "Sweet... She oushed me off the ship! She is a traitor, she is with the Avatar, so she is against me and her own nation!" Iroh took a nip of his Jasmine tea and looked to his nephew. "Zuko... I know it's hard seeing her again, and I know she hurt you but-"
"-leave me alone!" Zuko said angrily and he walked back to his own cabin, leaving his uncle behind.

He sat down on his bed and stared into the candle light of the candles on his desk. He opened the drawer and right between the dusty books he grabbed a piece of paper. He rolled it out, and a 14 year old, smiling Mia showed up. He rushed his fingers over her face. He hates her, he loves her, he wants to see her again, he wants to hold her, he wants to kill her. She abandoned him, right before he needed her the most. He wished she was dead, gone forever. No more emotions, no more pain....

"Prince Zuko!" The door flew open and the captain entered. "CAN'T YOU KNOCK?!" Zuko yelled and the flames rushed out of his mouth. "Eh... My apologize..." The captain mumbled. "What is it?!" Zuko asked irritated. "The Avatar, he has been seen on Kyoshi Island." The captain said quietly. Zuko stood up and sniffed.. "Get the rhinos ready, the Avatar cannot escape now." The captain nodded and left the cabin.

"Mia...", he whispered, "you better run." He said quietly and he threw the sketch of Mia in the flames of the candles.

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