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"The little girl was sitting at the lake, feeding the turtle ducks. Spring had just begun. The leafs of the threes were growing again, and the sun was getting warmer. Her hand rested in the water, as she saw a small group of people approaching. "Auw!!" The girl yelled and she yanked her hand out of the water. Mother duck had bitten her in her finger. The girl stood up and with tears in her eyes as she walked towards home. She bumped up to someone and looked up. She saw it was someone from the group. The girl stared at the tall, young man with a scar on his face. "Are you hurt?" He asked her when he looked at the girl's finger. She nodded slowly. The man grabbed a handkerchief and wrapped it around her finger. The girl smiled shy. "You have pretty eyes." He said when he looked into the golden eyes of the girl. "My mother said that my father gave them to me," the girl mumbled and she took a break to look closer at the man. "I know your face. My mother has a painting of you." "Well, he's the Fire Lord, so you should recognize him!" A guy said. "Sokka, please act normal."I am going to ask her, come!" She said when she grabbed the Fire Lord's hand and pulled him with her. "Suzuka!" my mother yelled, "make dinner ready!" I nodded and whiped the sweat of my face when I heard my mother's call. When I had plucked the last, ripe strawberry, I walked with the basket into the house and put it on the kitchentable. A boy picked one out of it and I gave a slap on his hand. "After dinner!" I said strict and gave a little smile. "And feet off the table!" I walked back to the kitchen to start to boil the soup. "Mother!" The girl yelled from out of the garden. "Mimi!" I yelled, "finally! You are just time for dinner." Mimi ran past me to my bedroom with a piece of paper in her hand and she grabbed my hand to pull her outside. "Izumi, slow down! What is it?" I asked her when I hold her. "The man of the painting, he's outside." Mimi said exciting. I remember my face turning white and my voice seemed to be all gone. I switched a look with my mother and walked outside when I saw them standing in front of me... My old friends." The old woman said dreamy. "What happened next? Did they knew Suzuka was you?" The old lady nodded slowly. "After my mother and I fell in the flames, we had barely survived. Our bodies were almost molted and decayed, except for my face, that was still unharmed. After we heard that everyone thought we were dead, we went to the Forgetful Valley, to the Mother of Faces. We both got a new face, a new name and a new life. I kept my memories, otherwise I would have lost Izumi. Izumi would have been the only child I would get in my further life. 8 years after the war, my old friends visited me. They all recognized me, no matter what kind of face I had. Izumi met her father, at last. I am glad they had forgiven me..." The old woman whiped a tear from her cheek, "unlike so many mistakes I had made in my life. Before the Fire Lord took the big step of bringing me and our daughter back to the Fire Nation capitol, we went to the Mother Faces to ask my face back. She accepted it and we went on to the capitol, so I married him with the true identity my mother had given me at my birth, the name and face of a person that I had wanted to leave behind for good. But my husband insisted on it. He wanted to marry the person he fell in love with, including her name. The people were confused. Some people cursed that name , some admired that name. No matter to what I went though during my strange life, I was going on with the current, like water. And so I lived my long life further in peace with my family and friends, as the wife of a Fire Lord." The old lady smiled and turned around to handle over a book. "It was from General Iroh," she said, "he gave it to me. All techniques are written in there. Not only for Fire Bending, for Air Bending as well. May it help you on your way..." "Thank you, very much. I will cherish it..." The old lady smiled and touched the Avatar's face. "It was good to talk to you again, Aang." The Avatar smiled brightly. "It was good to see you too again, Mia." Korra replied and she stood up, to leave the room. ~ Mia walked to the beach, and stood there for a while. She sat down on a rock, her long, silver hair was all around her face, going with the wind. She stared at the water, how it floated against the shore. She was thinking about everything, about what she had done. She thought about that little girl that had always been different, that ran way from everything her whole life, and yet she was braver than she thought she was. It wasn't meant for Mia to love, to cherish. She was meant to be a shadow, that only lives at nightfall... Yet she did changed her destiny and she became something entirely different than she had in mind... This wasn't the tale of an Avatar, a warrior or a princess. This was the tale of a whole other kind. Mia smiled when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up and saw her husband, smiling upon her. "Are you okay?" He asked. Mia nodded and she wiped a tear from her cheek and sat down a little bit more to the right, so her husband could sit next to her. "Where were you thinking about?" Zuko asked her when he sat down. "The past." Mia replied quietly and she laid her head on her husband's shoulder, while they were watching the sunset. The End.


Omg guys, I am finished! For more than a year I have been writing this story! Thanks so, so much for reading and I hope you have all enjoyed it! Loads of thanks for the comments (the good and the bad ones) and for supporting me, during this story.

Update comment: So, I was like 15 when I wrote this and my English clearly wasnt at its best, sorry about that... I might want to get the errors out one day.

-The reason Mia knew it was Aang in the Iceberg, is because she found a note in the Southern Airtemple, saying Aang could possible be the Avatar. Kinda forgot to put it in the story.

Fun facts:

- Camillia ended up marrying Haru, and they lived in her old house at Ba Sing Se.
- Mia had given the cabbage man a steady place in the Fire Nation capitol, to sell his cabbages.
- Maya was given her memory back, but Aang took her bending away from her. She recovered and could stay at the Palace, close to Mia. Their bond never had truly been all good and thick, but it was good to live by.
- After Mia's aunt Myriam died, her family could live at the Fire Nation Palace, with Maya.
- Mia had never learned Earthbending or Waterbending again.
- When Zuko became the ambassador for world balance, and Izumi became Fire Lord, Mia stayed at the Fire Nation Capitol. After a few years, Mia hoped to enter the Spirit World, to find her father and Iroh there, but she got sick and didn't had the powers to complete her Journey.
- Mia died at an age of 92, peacefully in her warm bed with her husband and daughter sitting by her side.

If you still have any questions, I would love to answer them! :D

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