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Mia sat under the cherry blossom tree, her mind in peace, her soul full of harmony. She took a deep breathe, and felt the heat in her stomach. She felt the soft grass, running through her fingers, with the wet earth and the wind running through her hair. She heard footsteps behind her and smiled. She knew who it was, she could feel it. She opened her eyes and looked up to the Prince who stood now in front of her.

"My Prince." She said and she bends. Her back cracked and quickly she raised her head. "How many times do I have to tell you that you don't have to do that?!" Zuko said and he sat down next to her. "Just like you said, Zu-zu... Until I don't have to do that." She replied with a smile.
"Don't callme like that! Where were you this morning, I've been looking for 10 minutes!" Zuko complained. "10 minutes?! Ouch." Mia replied teasing. "I was with your uncle Iroh; he taught me how to make a delightful Jasmine green tea, with a scent of Cherry blossom and Ginseng."

Zuko looked at his friend and he observed her. "How can you do that? Don't you get tired of doing that?!" He asked annoyed. "It clears the mind... It takes away the stress." Mia looked at him, "you should try, it will be an important day, the day after tomorrow."
Zuko sighed and pulled up his knees to his chin. He grabbed a fallen Cherry blossom of the ground and gave it to Mia. Mia released herself out of her pose and she put it gently behind her ear. Zuko smiled at her and Mia laid her arm around his shoulders.

"You should train, and don't underestimate it."
"I don't underestimate it! It's an Agni Kai, Mia!" Mia sighed and looked at the Prince. "The one against who you will fight won't be easy..." Mia whispered. "What do you mean?" Zuko asked. "Think about it... You are a prince of the Fire Nation, the son of a..." Mia took a break. "Of a what?!" Zuko asked. "A strong man... I think it's obvious if you may fight Azula or your uncle Iroh or your father-"
"Shut up!" He yelled and he stood up.

"You are making me nervous!" He yelled angrily at her. Mia narrowed her eyes, "I am preparing you!" She yelled back. "How can you prepare me?! You aren't even a Fire Bender, you are nothing comparing to me and my family!" Zuko yelled. "Like you know everything!"
Angrily and hurt Mia stood up. Tears were upcoming in her eyes, but she kept them hidden. "Mia... I did not want to..." But before Zuko could finish his sentence, Mia's fists set fire and with all her strength she sent fireballs to Zuko's head. He blocked them and shocked he looked at her.

"Mia... How..." He mumbled. She stood on one foot, her arms up and she took a deep breathe, the earth under her feet started to shake and the bottom top of the ground raised. With a gentle movement the earth separated from the water which turned into ice.
Amazed Zuko looked at her, pale and speechless. "This is who I am, Zuko." She said cold. "Why did you never tell...? I am your friend." He said. "You are my Prince, I am here to 'act' like your friend, because you have none." She sighed. "Besides, why I did not tell you: You are mean and ignorant. You'd have told your father and I'd be murdered. I am not an Avatar, I learned it because I had the skills to learn."

"Mia, I would never betray you..." Zuko said. "You lie... You have always been the disappointing child, and bring Ozai someone like me, would be a huge honour for Prince Zuko, am I right?" Mia asked.

"Yes, Mia." Zuko replied, looking to his feet. "Good luck with the Agni Kai, I hope you will succeed." Mai turned around and started to run away. Zuko followed her, down the hill, through the streets to the Fire Palace. "Mia, I am sorry!" She heard him yelling. Mia did not response; she wanted to go away from him, from the Fire Nation, from everything..

The Flames of the past (Avatar: Zuko love story)Where stories live. Discover now