Chapter 10: Mia's courage

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"Haru! It's Haru, they have taken him, they took him away!" Mia yelled when she entered the stable.

"What?" Aang and Katara asked shocked at the same time.

"Oh well, that's his own fault..." Sokka said airy.

"What?! Sokka you were so dumb to let those fire nation guys in!" Mia yelled at him.

"What else had I supposed to do?!" He replied feeling so attacked.

"YOU are going to help me, to set him free." Mia said pointing at him.

"How?" He replied spotting.

"OH MY YOU ARE SO ANNOYING!" Mia yelled against Sokka.

"You are going DOWN!" Sokka said pointing to the floor.

Mia stepped on the hard ground and earth rose up, up to Sokka's holy things.

"aaaah! Mia!" He yelled.

Mia couldn't hid her laugh and started to cough. "There! How does that feel?" She yelled at him, so the guards could hear her. She winked at Sokka. Sokka looked at the guards and tackled Mia. "I got her, she is violent! She really needs to be punished!" Sokka said extremely stupid and unbelievably that Mia thought the plan wouldn't work. He grabbed her shoulders and bend over to her and whispered,"you got 12 hours to find him, we will be right behind you."

Mia nodded and the guards brought her away.

Mia got some old and stinking prisoners clothes on, and she got carried away to a ship. They stood in one line, and Mia was pretty nervous when she stood there. A man entered with Fire Nation clothes, a general or something. He had a strict look and a little goat beard. He reminded Mia a little bit of Ozai. Well..." The man said, "I consider you as hosts, not as prisoners... You will succeed here if you simply abide..." An old man that stood next to Mia coughed, and the general immediately blew fire at his feet and the old man almost fell. "What kind of guest dishoners his host by interrupting him?! Take him below!" He yelled.

Two guards grabbed him under both his armpits and they brought him away. "One week in solitary will improve his manners." The general said and he turned to Mia, who looked angrily at him. He bend over to her, two inches away from her face. "Simply treat me with the courtesy I give you we'll get a long famously. They sailed away on the ship and Mia walked to deck. She wandered around, until she heard a familiar voice. "Mia?!" She looked behind her and saw Haru.

"Haru!" She said happily and she hugged him.

"Why are you here?" He asked worried.

"I came here to save you, ofcourse!" Mia replied like it was the most common thing in the world.

"Wow... You have some guts Mia, I tell you that." He said with a smile. Mia smiled and awkwardly she blushed and removed a string of hair out of her face.

"Well, I would like you to meet someone." He said and he grabbed her arm.

"Dad, this is Mia, a friend of mine," Haru said when he pointed to the man that sat on the ground with some other earthbenders, "Mia, this is my father Tyro."

"It's an honour to meet you sir." Mia replied friendly and bend.

Mia and Haru sat down and Tyro offerend Mia some soup, which was pretty terrible. When they were talking Mia asked: "So what's the plan?" She asked, "are you going to riot or how does it go?"

"We do not riot, my child." Tyro said.

"What?" Mia replied, striked out of the field.

"We have no hope and we cannot do it, they are too strong. We are far from home. We can't do anything."

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