Chapter 17: The Blue Spirit

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They all had a rough night. They went to the market on a clear day, when suddenly the weather changed and they got into a heavy storm, followed by Zuko and commander Zhao. They survived, but Katara, Sokka and Aang got terribly sick. They settled close to the runes of a city and Mia did everything she could.

Sokka coughed loudly and Mia stumbled up to him and laid a cold piece of cotton cloth on his forehead. "This should take down the fever a bit." She said and she pressed it on his forehead. "D-d-do you know w--w-what I like t-t-the most-t-t about A-a-appa?" Sokka stuttered, "his sence of h-h-humor." Mia smiled. "That's nice of you Sokka, I'll tell him."

Aang, who wasn's as sick as Sokka and Katara came back from the city. "How are they doing?" He asked concerned.
Mia sighed. "Not good. Have you found what I asked?" She replied. Aang shook his head but he held a map in front of her face. "There's a herbalist on top of that hill," Aang said and he pointed to a hill,"maybe that person can help." When Aang said that he sneezed and he coughed. Mia held her and against his forehead. It was very warm.

"Take some rest Aang, I am going to find some medicines. I'll be back as soon as possible." Mia said and she heated up some tea and poured it in some glasses made of earth and gave it to the three. "G-g-goodluck."Katara mumbled and she fell back to sleep. Mia nodded friendly and she made her way towards the hill.

It was a whole journey to the hill, for she does not have the condition of an athlete. She saw no other thig to do than let her rush forwards with some earthbending. There was a huge stairs, and when she got on the top, she was exhausted. She saw a small house, nd she rushed through it. When she entered she ran into a vase, and strumbled over a white cat.

"Sorry-to-rush-in-like-this," she said hardly and she took a deep breathe,"but I need some medicines for my friends immediately, because they-"
"Calm down, young woman," an old woman said friendy,"your friends will be fine."
"But how-" Mia started.
"-Frozen forgs... you can find them down the valley."
Mia frowned. "Frozen frogs," she repeated,"what do they have to do with frozen frogs?"
"Suck on them of course!" The old woman said smiling.
"SUCK ON THEM?!" Mia yelled.

"Yes..." The woman said clam,"the skin contans a curing substance. Now go girl, and help your friends." The woman said and she gave her a bowl with a kind of mashed things. "What's that?" Mia asked when she looked to the green substance. "For your cat."
"How do you know-?"
"- hairs on your clothes. NOW GO!" The woman yelled and she swung with her spoon to the door and little pieces of food landed on Mia's face.
"Right. Ok. Thanks." Mia mumbled and she walked out the door.

It was very windy and suddenly Mia felt something sharp going passed the skin of her leg. She looked down and saw it was an arrow. Irritated she looked up and she saw a huge wave of arrows running down towards her. She screamed and quickly she created a wall of earth to protect her.
Again a huge wave of arrows came down her way and she knew they were pointing at her. She started to run and run, but the arrows kept coming. 50 arrows and more were chasing Mia down the hill, into the forest. She fell down and rolled through the mud, while her mouth got filled with dirt and her face covered with little cuts from the branches that cut her face. She landed in the river and stepped on something hard, but slippy.

She cleaned her mouth and reached to the slippy thing. "A frozen frog!" She yelled happily, but it got shot out of her hand by an arrow. She collected them and put them under her shirt in her oversized bra, while she shot frozen arrows made of water back in the direction the other arrows came. She ran against a tree and just before she wanted to go further, an arrow pinched her sleeve to tree, followed by four others. Her other arm got piched as well, as long as her both legs, and her waist. Not one single arrow touched her skin. The archers appoached her, and she was afraid of what would happen next.

Mia's got brought to a kind of fort. A Fire Nation fort. She got tight up in a huge room made of steel/metal, her arms wide open, so the chains could not move a single bit from the pillars they were connected to. Her clothes were torn, and her head hung down, defeated. The door went open and angrily Mia looked up. It was Zhao. "Well, well, well...." he started,"look who we have here. Mia Li Feng. The friend of the Avatar. How does it feel to be friends with the enemy, while your parent's life depend on it?"

"Last time you told me they were dead. I don't know what to believe anymore, Zhao." Mia said.
"Just believe they will die, if you won't handle me over the Avatar." Zhao laughed and he turned around to walk away. Mia took a deep breathe and she spat fire to him. Zhao slammed against the door and fell on the ground.
"Never mind, Mrs. Li Feng..." Zhao groaned, "you will never leave this fortress alive, since you won't accept my offer. Your execution will be held tomorrow." he smiled evily to Mia, "I hope they won't use the rusted ax," he said and just before he slammed the door close behind him he said: "it doesn't cut very well, so it would become very painful."

Mia's eyes turned big and she struggled like a madman. She tried to let the cains move, but it did not work. "HEEEEELPP!" She yelled. "PLEASE HELP ME! I DID NOT DO ANYTHING!" She cried, and she felt something struggling in her bra. "W-wha?" She mumbled and the half-frozen frogs jumped out of her bra. "Please come back, my friends need to suck on you!" Mia said panicky. Mia heard a lot of noise and moaning behind the door and she stopped struggling. Her hair sticked on her face and she could only see with one eye. The door got open and someone stepped in with a blue mask.

The Blue Spirit, grabbed two Dao Swords and started to swing them around when he ran up to Mia. "PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!" She yelled, but the Blue Spirit cut the chains of her hands and walked away. "Who are you? What's going on? Are you here to rescue me?" Mia asked.

The Blue Spirit held up and one of his Dao Swords and walked away. "I'll take that as a yes." Mia said quietly and she followed the Blue Spirit. When she walked through the hall, she saw the guards tight up on the ground. Her frigs made their way as well and she tried to collect them, but the Blue Spirit grabbed her by her collar. "Wait! My friends need to suck on them!" She said panicky, but it was already to late. They ended up in the drains under the fortress. The Blue Spirit looked up and he climbed out. Mia followed him cautiously.

They ran to the high wall of the fortress, where a rope was hanging down. Mia and the Blue Spirit were halfway when they heard a loud bell. A warning sign. "There on the wall!!" Someone yelled. Someone that stood above the wall, cut the rope and the two fell down. Mia used her earthbending, so they would land in mud. "MIA LI FENG IS ESCAPING! STOP HER!" Zhao yelled from out of his tower with a cup of tea in his hand. "Stay close to me." Mia said and they ran towards the gate. Mia swept away the guards and started to ran to the open doors but stopped. When she looked behind her, the Blue Spirit was surrounded by guards. She could escape, but she could not leave him. She swept away the guards around him and she stepped on the ground. The Blue Spirit got launched by a huge pillar made of earth and landed on the wall.

There was only one wall more and Mia grabbed the Blue Spirit's hand. "Hold on tight." She said and she jumped off the wall. Pillars made of earth shot out of the ground, so Mia could made her way. Something blocked her and they fell down, right in front of the last gate that would get them to freedom. "Give us the girl back, we need her alive." Zhao said. The Blue Spirit stood behind her and he suddenly held the Daoswords crossed against Mia's throat.
Zhao raised his eyebrow and he looked at Mia. "Open the gate." He said, not moving another muscle.

The guards shrugged and the gate opened. Slowly the Blue Spirit walk backsides through the gate with Mia between it's Dao Swords. They were yards away from the gate and suddenly the Blue Spirit got hit by an arrow. Shocked Mia looked at the uncontious Spirit and towards the gate, where the guards rushed through. Mia rose some dust and she looked at the Spirit. She looked closer and saw a kind of burnspot at the side of his mask. Mia hold her breathe and she removed it. She had a heart attack and stood up, ready to run away. She looked back at the young man and the guards approaching.
When the guards approached, Mia Li Feng was gone... Along with the Prince of the Fire Nation.

(SORRY for not updating for over 3 weeks, I was on holiday and I really had no time or WiFi to write a chapter. I hope you like this one!!)

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