Chapter 33: Sick

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The Team landed on a small kind of island in the lake. Aang couldn't let Appa got at all, it was very cute to see. Mia stretched her legs and sat down in the grass. It was a nice day. Some clouds at the sky, but the sky itself was blue. Katara was still very down and Sokka was a bit donw wit it. "Look, we have escaped from the Dai Li, we've got Appa back, I am telling you that we should go to the earth king now and tell him our plan," he said like he was very smart,  "we are on a roll." Katara stood up and crossed her arms over her chest. "One good hour after weeks of trouble isn't much of a roll, Sokka." She said slightly angrily. 

"Well, we can build on it if we want to invade the fire nation when the eclipse is there, we need the Earth king's support." Sokka said.
 "What makes you think you'll get it? He doesn't show himself." Mia said when she was eating some berries.
 "We can try, Aang's the Avatar." 
"And I am Maya Li Feng's daughter, what's the point? The King is close to Long Feng, the Dai Li will know." Mia said serious.  
"I think Sokka's right. We have to try it. We came to Ba Sing Se for the Earth King." Aang said.
"See, Aang's with me!" Sokka said happily and he wrapped and arm around Aang's shoulders. 

Mia saw something in the corner of her eye. She looked to the rigth and saw three ships in the distance. "The Dai Li, they must be looking for us." Katara said. "What are we going to do?"Sokka asked. Mia smiled. "We're going to fly." She said.
They did. They crossed over the lake to the city. "There!" Sokka said and he pointed to the palace, "the chambers must be in the center of the palace, right?" Mia nodded. Mia did not feel right. "Could you drop me off somewhere?" She said slowly. 
"Why?" The other four asked at the same time. "I don't think the kings wants to see me." She said and shrugged. "I don't want to take the risk." Aang and Sokka crossed faces.  "Okay." They said. Mia smiled and Mia jumped on one of the roofs. She slide down and jumped on the ground. She looked up and saw the team moving on.

"They'll just ever listen..." She said to herself and made her way to the teashop. Zuko came up as well. "Hey love." She said and she quickly gave him a kiss. "Where's uncle?" She asked. "Eh.... the market?" He said a bit unsure. 
"Did you find your bison?" 

Mia nodded heavily. "I did!" She replied proud. "He just came flying by, very weird." Zuko walked up the stairs to the appartment. He was a bit swinging. "Are you okay?" Mia asked. "i don't feel right." He said slowly and he touched his head. He fell down against the table and broke Mia's vase. "That's my vase!" She yelled offended. When she saw Zuko lying on the ground, not moving she yelled. "Zuko!" She ran up to him and turned him around. He was sweating a lot. She pulled out his shoes and shirt. He was all shaking and stuff. She made a little 
bed on the floor and tucked him in. 

She grabbed a piece of clothes and put it in cold water. She dabbed it gently on his forehead. he moaned a bit and Mia hushed him. "You have an intense fever. This will cool you down love." Zuko opened his eyes and looked with watery eyes to her. "So thirsty." He mumbled. Mia nodded and grabbed he bucket of water. She grabbed a large teaspoon and filled it with water. Mia helped him up and held the spoon to his lips., "stay under the blankets and sweat this out."

Zuko grabbed the spoon roughly out of Mia's hands and threw it to the other side of the room. He turned himself around, drank almost the whole bucket empty, and threw it to the spoon. The wooden bucket broke and splashes of water ran up to the wall and on Mia's clothes. Zuko laid down and turned his back to Mia. Mia wanted to hit him, but instead she took a deep breathe, pulled his blanket up a bit to cover his sweaty shoulders and gave him a kiss on the back of his head. 

Iroh walked in and shocked he put his stuff down. "What happened?!" he asked panicky, but in whisper. "High fever I think." Mia replied. Zuko moaned and Mia dapped the wet cloth on his forehead. It seemed Zuko was dreaming, for he was moving a lot in his sleep. Yet, half an later, Zuko woke up. "You should know this is not a natural sickness." Iroh said when he poured in some tea, "but that shouldn't stop you from enjoying tea." He gave Zuko a nip of tea. "What is happening?" Zuko asked sleepy. 

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