𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1

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"ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴀ ᴄʟᴇᴠᴇʀ ɢɪʀʟ, ᴀʀᴇɴ'ᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏʟʟ?"

•┈••✦ 𓆩⟡𓆪 ✦••┈•

I sift through the large pile of horror movies Casey grabbed from the blockbuster earlier in the day, wondering how she plans on getting through all of them before their due back, let alone in one evening. Crackling and popping sounds from the kitchen as Casey cooks a jiffy pop. It probably would have been better if I'd been cooking the popcorn and her choosing the movie because whatever I pick I know she'll just put in a different one, but that's Casey for you. I often wonder why I bother putting up with her, we're not really the best of friends, but I guess when you've known someone practically since birth, it's hard to shake them. I finally narrowed my choice down to either The Exorcist or Carrie, hoping that Casey would actually let me choose when she suddenly appears behind me making me jump and knock over the leaning tower of tapes which scatter across the floor. "Casey I swear to god!" I snap at her while I try to tidy up the mess but she isn't paying attention to my complaint, instead carefully picking through the jumbled pile of movies before pulling out Nightmare on Elm Street. I scramble to my feet to stop her, "Nope absolutely not. You said I could choose and we watched that last time... and the time before." I'm a usually patient person but when it comes to Casey my patience runs very thin. "But y/n it's so good!" I roll my eyes and scoff, "You only like it because you fancy Johnny Depp." She's about to respond with what I can only assume would be a dumb comeback when the phone in the kitchen suddenly rings. Casey hands me the tape, "Please can we just watch it this time, I promise we'll watch what you want next time," she says with her stupid pouty face that makes her more punchable. "Fine," I respond through gritted teeth as she smiles and skips off to the kitchen to answer the phone. I insert the tape and flop onto the sofa, attempting to disappear into the soft cushions, vaguely trying to eavesdrop on the conversation Casey is having with whoever decided to call at this time of night.

I hear something about a wrong number then the sound of the phone being placed back in the holder. Casey appears in the doorway, "it was just some guy who called the wrong number. Popcorn's nearly ready." She goes to check on it when the phone rings again. "Y/n can you answer that I don't want the popcorn to burn!" She yells through the doorway with her squeaky voice. I let out a sigh before making my way to the phone. "Hello Becker residence, if it's not important please hang up if it is I can relay the message," I state bluntly into the phone awaiting a response. All I hear is crackling static and hope that whoever it is may have hung up when I hear a deep voice on the other end. "Oh hello, where'd your friend go?" the voice spoke. Confusion clouded my mind for a moment before connecting the dots, "you're the guy that just called right?" I hear a soft chuckle from the other end before he spoke again "correct." "Why did you call back if you knew this was the wrong number?" I ask, tilting my head to the side. "I wanted to apologise," the deep voice answers with a chuckle. I roll my eyes. "Okay... bye then." "Wait wait don't hang up," he pleads, part of me wants to just hang up and watch the movie I can memorise by now, but part of me is intrigued by this mysterious man. "Why?" I ask "Because I want to talk to you." I decide that maybe talking to this guy will be more interesting than watching Nightmare on Elm Street...again. When I don't hang up he speaks again, "what're you doing?" "Getting ready to watch a movie with my friend... who's taking forever to sort the popcorn." I look toward Casey when saying the last part but she seems to be more interested in the jiffy pop on the stove than what I'm saying. I come to the conclusion that she just dumped me with something she didn't want to do again, and then proceeds to ignore me."What movie?" "Nightmare on Elm street," the dissatisfaction in my voice is apparent as the mystery guy begins to laugh. "What, you don't like that movie Doll?" I hesitate when he calls me that, a light blush coating my cheeks. I quickly collect my thoughts and respond, "the movie's fine it just, it gets boring when you watch it OVER 100 TIMES!" I yell the last past, poking my head through the doorway. Yet again being ignored I move to sit on the couch taking the phone with me.The man chuckles before responding, "oh? And what would you prefer to watch Doll?" My heart flutters again but I try to push the feeling aside, I don't even know the guy, I choke on my words before finally responding. "Well I wanted to watch Carrie but... my friend never actually lets me choose," I say, deciding to refrain from revealing Casey's name as this person is a stranger and it already seems odd enough having a conversation with him, about horror movies of all things. Before I get a response from the man, Casey enters the room, "You're still on the phone? Who even is it now?" she pulls the phone away out of my grip and I whisper to her saying it's the guy who called earlier. "Why'd he call back, what a weirdo. Hang up on him and set up the movie would you?" she says sassily. She tosses the phone back to me lazily and walks back to the kitchen. I hesitate for a moment thinking what to do when I hear the man's voice faintly from the phone, "Doll? You still there?" I quickly reply with "I have to go, bye," and hang up slightly disappointed.

𝙋𝙨𝙮𝙘𝙝𝙤 𝙆𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙧  {Scream 1996 // Ghostface x reader}Where stories live. Discover now