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•┈••✦ 𓆩⟡𓆪 ✦••┈•

Randy's POV

I slowly open my eyes, being stirred awake by muffled shouting. I groaned, my whole body feeling achy and pained. I blink a few times and try to sit up but my arms feel weak and I flop back onto the bed. Slowly, I try to lift just my head to take in a look at my surroundings, noting that I'm in a dimly lit hospital room, laying in a pristine bed, covered in needles and wires hooked up to various machines. I'm smart enough to know that no regular hospital patient is ever attached to this much life support, so whatever shit I got myself into, it must have left a really bad mark. Someone must have heard me stir because I noticed the sound of the shouting rise for a moment as the door opens and a tall figure enters the room.

I try to push myself up again, this time fighting through the pain it causes me and I eventually sit up and lean against the wall behind me. The upright position however causes my head to rush and the room to spin slightly. After a few moments I ground myself and notice the person who entered was waiting patiently for me to steady myself. My brain is still a little disorientated so it takes me a few seconds to clock that it's Dewey stood in front of me. I attempt to greet him but all that comes out of my mouth is a strained noise. Noticing this, Dewey makes his way to the table beside the bed and passes me the cup of water that was upon it. I instantly gulp it down, my throat quickly soothed by the cold liquid. "You've been out for a while, no food or water actually being consumed, it's no wonder speaking would be a struggle," Dewey states, trying to chuckle as if making a joke but the darkness in his expression counteracts any positivity. After finishing the entire cup of water, I try to speak again, this time a wheezy whisper comes out, "How long?" Dewey pauses, looking like he's not sure if he should say, before clearing his throat, "A little over a week. You were in a coma, the nurses weren't actually sure if you would wake up." I stare across the room at the wall, not wanting to meet his gaze as I try to collect my thoughts.

"What happened?" I croak out. Dewey hesitates, "The killer attacked at Stu Macher's party, the police found you unconscious in his hallway after being shot." The recount causes my brain to suddenly be flooded with images of that night and I remember everything. "Sidney and (Y/N), what happened to them? Are they ok?" I ask in a panicked tone, looking at Dewey now, noting the pity in his eyes and my heart sinks, "I'm sorry Randy, Sidney didn't make it, she was stabbed." I stare at him as I try not to break down before asking, "and (Y/N)?" "She's alive, but..." Dewey replies but pauses when it comes to actually giving me an answer. The hope I started to feel is quickly fleeting, "she's missing. She disappeared last night, that's why it's such chaos out there," Dewey finally answers. There's another thing I know I have to ask about, gritting my teeth as I speak, "What about Loomis and Macher? What's happened to them?" Dewey looks deep in thought for a moment, "they survived too, both discharged from here a couple days ago. We were wrong about Billy, it turned out it was Sidney's father." I give him a shocked look and he continues, "we found him dead on the scene, looks like he shot himself after killing Sidney."

I suddenly shout "That's not true!" Dewey looks at me confused and slightly taken aback by my shouting. "Randy, all the evidence was there, he had the mask, the voice changer and all the phone calls tracked back to the cell in his pocket." I shake my head, refusing to let this false story continue, "That's not the truth, I'm telling you. It's a set up, framing Sid's dad. Billy and Stu were the killers." Dewey just sighs, "Look, I know you want this to be like your movies but you have to face the facts: Sidney's father was ghostface, Billy and Stu the victims, just like you." I burst out angrily "BILLY LOOMIS FUCKING SHOT ME!" This stuns Dewey into silence. "And I saw Stu stashing the mask in a hedge then blaming Tatum's death on me!" He starts to tear up at the mention of his sister. After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, Dewey takes a deep breath, "I think we need to take an official statement to get things cleared up."


I shield my eyes from the various camera flashes that surround me as soon as I step foot outside the hospital. I gave my statement to the police and they reanalyzed the crime scene and evidence, coming to the conclusion that it was actually Billy and Stu who did it. When they tried to find the 2 for questioning, it turned out that they too have disappeared from Woodsboro. I'm not stupid, (Y/N) is obviously their final girl and they've taken her with them, what for I don't know. The thought of my last friend left alive being out of my reach sends frustration and rage through my mind. Gale Weathers decided this whole twist would make a perfect story and of course is writing a fucking book about all the horrors that happened, it makes me sick. If she sends me a copy, I won't hesitate to hit her round the head with it. Dewey told me the police department is fanning out in search of (Y/N) but I know that if they do as much of a crappy job as they did with the murder case, they'll never find her. Pushing through the sea of reporters, I decide I'm going to take matters into my own hands.

♡━━ 𓆩⟡𓆪 ━━♡

And there we have it guys, Psycho Killer is officially finished! I wrote this final chapter which was fun :) Please check the author's note in the next update for some final notes. See ya

~ Aj and Lia

𝙋𝙨𝙮𝙘𝙝𝙤 𝙆𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙧  {Scream 1996 // Ghostface x reader}Where stories live. Discover now