𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 5

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"ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪꜰ ɪᴛ ᴡᴀꜱɴ'ᴛ ʙɪʟʟʏ?"

•┈••✦ 𓆩⟡𓆪 ✦••┈•

The final bell rings, and everyone leaps out of their chairs and darts out of the classroom. Walking down the halls I see Stu talking with Tatum and decide to just walk past, too exhausted to try and hide my feelings about them together. I don't see Billy or Sid on my way out but I do see Randy walking towards Blockbuster when I get outside. I continued my walk down the street, blissfully unaware of the two boys following behind me. Unlocking my door and pushing it open I throw my bag on the floor and make my way to the kitchen. Opening the cabinet and browsing through the snacks, I select a packet of Maltezers and make my way to the radio in the living room. Turning the radio on and flopping onto the couch, munching on my snacks while I bop my head to the beat. I finish my Maltezers and throw away the packet, getting out my sketchbook and pencil I start mindlessly doodling.

A few hours go by, I'm still in my own little world, doodling and vibing to the music coming from the radio when the phone rings. I freeze, my body stiffens slightly as I slowly look over to the phone. I'm terrified, but at the same time excited. In the back of my mind I hope it's the mysterious man from last night, but that's weird...right? I walk over and pick up the phone, putting it beside my ear I say, "Hello?" "Y/N, SIDNEY WAS ATTACKED!" Tatum's voice yells through the phone, I hold the phone away from me so I can keep my hearing. "Is she alright?" I ask, faking my worry. Sidney was nicer than Casey, but she's also dating Billy and kicked me earlier today, she at least deserved a scare from the murderer. "She's at the police station, I need you to come down, pack a few spare clothes, we're having a girls night over at my house to stay safe," Tatum says loudly. I don't want to but Tatum hangs up before I can answer, she's a lot like Casey in that way.

Sighing loudly I drag myself to my room, packing a pair of Pjs and clothes for tomorrow into a separate bag. I walk back downstairs and put my sketchbook and pencil into my schoolbag. Putting my school bag on my back as it's heavier I carry the other bag in my hand, walking outside and locking the front door I start walking to the police station. Luckily for me it's not far from my house and I arrive soon after leaving. Walking through the doors, Tatum quickly spots me and drags me over to a deflated Sidney. Dried tears cover her cheeks and her hands clutch onto an anxiety blanket around her. I sit beside her and rub her back slowly, Tatum starts harassing her brother, trying to let Sidney leave quicker. I look up and see Billy in the interrogation room with his dad, his eyes are fixed on me and not Sidney. I look at him confused before Tatum comes back over and my attention turns back to her. "Come on Sid, we're leaving through the back entrance to escape the reporters," Tatum says, putting her arm around Sidney's shoulders. I tag along, walking behind them, I glance over at Billy to find him still staring at me as I walk out.

"I'll bring the car round here, just give me a minute," Dewey says and walks round to the front of the department. "SIDNEY! SIDNEY PRESCOTT" a woman screeches from behind us. We turn and see Gale weathers and her cameraman sprinting towards us, her heels clicking harshly against the tarmac road. "She's not answering your questions," Tatum quickly comes to Sidney's rescue, standing in front of her. "It's alright Tatum, she's just doing her job. Right Gale?" Sideny says quietly, putting a hand on Tatum's shoulder. "Yes! That's right," Gale quickly adds, clinging to the excuse Sidney made. "How's your book?" Sidney asks, her voice choked slightly and you could clearly see that this was a painful subject. "Oh the sales are going great," Gale says excitedly, oblivious to Sid's pained expression. "That's great, I'll look around for it," Sid replies bitterly, turning away. Unfortunately for Gale, she remains oblivious to the lie and thick atmosphere that's been created. "I'll send you a copy!" Gale calls out to Sid. Sidney whips around and her fist meets Gale's cheek in a flash. Gale collapses to the ground holding her cheek. "Oh shit!" her cameraman says, still recording Gale. Dewey's car pulls up and we quickly pile into it.

The car ride was silent, other than Tatum's occasional giggles. We arrive at the Riley's household and enter Tatum's room swiftly. Changing into our PJs, after I start pumping up an air mattress provided to me by Mrs Riley. I was used to this, Sidney gets the spare bed in Tatum's room, Tatum gets her own bed and I get either the floor or the air mattress, lucky for me they have an extra duvet set so I don't need to pack a sleeping bag when I come over for the night. Her mother used to tell her off for leaving me on the floor but after a while she got used to it.

Tatum was retelling the story of Sid's mighty punch for the 20th time that evening. "BAM! Bitch went down!" Tatum says, slapping her stuffed animal across the face again, I would never do that to Sooty even as a child. Sidey just sits there quietly watching Tatum with a small smile on her face. I finish pumping up the air mattress and lay on it, wanting to be in my own room at this moment in time. Dewey knocks before entering with an ice pack, "Thought you might need this after that right hook." Sid takes it and he leaves us alone again. "What if it wasn't Billy?" Sidney suddenly asks. I sit up confused and look at her. "He was there Sid and he had a phone on him," Tatum reasons, placing her plush back on the side of her bed. "What's Billy got to do with this?" I ask, tilting my head. "Oh right I never told you," Tatum says quickly. I look at her confused as Mrs Riley walks in. "There's someone on the phone for you dear," she says looking at Sidney, "Is it my dad?" Sidney asks, walking out the room, Mrs Riley following after her.

"Tatum what the hell's going on," I ask the remaining female. "Sidney was attacked by Ghostface, when Ghostface left, Billy came through her window a couple seconds later. A phone fell out of his pocket so now he's the number one suspect," Tatum explains nonchalantly. Acting like it's a regular day even though one of her friends she's known for multiple years could be a murderer. I look at her dumbfounded, not believing Billy could do such a thing when we hear Sidney scream from downstairs. Tatum and I rush to her side as she cried hysterically, the phone abandoned on the counter. Dewey comes rushing in, a rifle in his hands as he looks at us panicked.

Sidney tells us about the phone call after we retreated back to Tatum's room, while Dewey tells the other officers about the encounter. I go to bed feeling jealousy consume my heart, these girls have Billy and Stu, yet Sidney is already taking the mysterious murder from me. I know he's a murderer and all but he chose to spare me first, that was the one thing I had that these girls didn't have. They have hot boyfriends, good grades, beauty, meanwhile I have crushes on their hot boyfriends and have survived a murderer. Now Sidney's survived the very same murderer. I have nothing different to these two, that I can tell without getting some hate from them. Most people would be grateful their friend survived a murderous attack, but I guess I'm not like everyone else.

♡━━ 𓆩⟡𓆪 ━━♡

Chapter by Lia9485

~ Aj and Lia

𝙋𝙨𝙮𝙘𝙝𝙤 𝙆𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙧  {Scream 1996 // Ghostface x reader}Where stories live. Discover now