𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 6

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"ʟᴏᴏᴋ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇ, ɪᴛ'ꜱ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴄʜʀɪꜱᴛᴍᴀꜱ!"

•┈••✦ 𓆩⟡𓆪 ✦••┈•

The sound of Tatum slamming her locker shut jolts me out of almost falling asleep in the corridor. Sid couldn't sleep much last night because of the phone call, neither could the rest of us as she was crying most of the night. Rubbing my eyes, I look up and down the corridor just as a person runs past us screaming, wearing the same mask found at the crime scene, the only clue the police have. Sid jumps back in fear as I take a step back, I almost trip but luckily Stu puts his arm around my lower back to steady me. I feel him laughing behind me which causes Tate to shove him harshly. Sidney speaks up in a shaky voice, "Why are they doing this?" I see Stu smiling widely in the corner of my eye. "Are you kidding me? Look at this place, it's like Christmas!" he exclaims excitedly. This causes Tatum to hit him on the head with a lollipop. Another scream comes from the end of the corridor as another person dressed in ghostface attire runs past, screaming in Sidney's face as well as mine. I hide behind Stu instinctively as he's the tallest person there, and he would protect me from anything no matter what. Stu detects my discomfort quickly and the smile he wore for this "Christmasy joy" was wiped clean off, replaced with a glare in a split second. He sticks his foot out nonchalantly as the student trips on it, landing face first on the floor. The other students in the hallway laugh at his expense and a teacher drags him to the principal's office.

Sidney had bolted off at the sight of the second Ghostface to where I could only guess was the bathrooms. Stu turns around and places both hands on my shoulders with a firm grip. He bends down to my eye level asking if I was okay, his goofy demeanour gone for the moment. I nod my head slightly staring into his icy blue eyes with a small smile.  Tatum rolls her eyes while patting Stu on the shoulder. "Well done hero now come on we need to get to class," Tatum says, annoyance laced in her voice as she walks off. "You're sure you're okay?" Stu asks me one more time, I find it sweet that he cares so much. I nod my head before responding, "I wasn't scared of the killer's mask or the killer himself, I was only startled by him screaming in my face." Something flashes in Stu's eyes for a second as he smiles, was it pride? "I told you she's tough Stu, she can take on a lot of shit, isn't that right Little Warrior," a new voice adds. I turn my head and see Billy sauntering towards us, I roll my eyes at the nickname teasingly and Billy only smirks in return. "What about you Teddy Bear, were you throwing temper tantrums in the jail cell cause it wasn't comfortable?" I retort in a mocking voice, sticking my tongue out at the end. Billy only chuckles slightly, shaking his head as he looks down. "It was uncomfortable, I won't deny that, the worst part about that is that my girlfriend still thinks I'm ghostface," Billy sighs dramatically. I feel a pang in my heart when he says girlfriend, he must've ran into Sidney earlier when Stu was "protecting" me.

Some girls walk by us looking like clones of each other: faces full of makeup, blond curly hair, short skirts with tight fitted white t-shirts and ridiculously high high heels. Well the bitches have arrived, I think as they wink at Billy and Stu while sending me a disgusted look. I just roll my eyes at them as Billy and Stu glower at them a little.  "ATTENTION STUDENTS!" the voice of our principal comes from the speakers. "SCHOOL IS TEMPORARILY CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, PLEASE LEAVE THE BUILDING IMMEDIATELY!" We hear yells of joy from classrooms before everyone starts filtering out the classrooms. I connect the dots that something must've happened to Sidney, probably a prank from one of the students that went too far. "I gotta go find Sid and Tatum, see you guys later!" I yell to Billy and Stu over the conversation happening all around us. They give me a nod and a small wave before I follow everyone else outside.

I find Sidney and Tatum waiting for me by the entrance, Sid looks panicked and uneasy which confirms my earlier suspicions. We wave at each other before walking down the front entrance and off towards Tatum's house. Sid explains what happened in the bathrooms. "It was just a sick prank Sid," Tatum says, not believing that it was the real ghostface. "She's traumatised, Tatum cut her some slack" I say shrugging my shoulders, acting like I don't care. I'm fuming though, Sidney's now survived two encounters with ghostface if that was the real one which means I'm becoming one of the background characters in my friend group again, everyone has something about them except me. Sidney has trauma, Tatum has sass and beauty, Randy's the movie nerd, Stu's the loveable puppy, Billy's the caring but scary friend, I've got nothing.

"Boo!" someone exclaims from beside me, bursting from the bushes, wrapping their arms around my waist and hoisting me in the air. Stu twirls me around before setting me down gently, laughing while sticking his tongue out at me bouncing on his heels. "Stu you look like a dancing madman!" I say in between laughs. Stu only sticks his tongue out again at me playfully, grinning from ear to ear, somehow whenever I'm down Stu appears out of nowhere and brings a smile to my face, well when I'm with people that is. Stu presents each of us with a dandelion he picked from the sidewalk moments earlier, Tatum drops it on the ground and steps on it, Sidney drops her hand to her side and I put mine behind my ear. "I don't know what you did Sid but on behalf of the whole school I say thank you," Stu yells the last bit, a couple of students echoing him. "For once Stu drop it," Tatum says glaring at her boyfriend. Stu only picks her up and puts her over his shoulder. "I'm having a party at my house tonight at six, a little fiesta for our surprise holiday," Stu says out of nowhere, a grin present on his face. "A party now?" Sidney asks unsure. "It'll just be small, close friends so long as this little one doesn't invite the whole town," Stu says, dropping Tatum to the ground. "Come on Sid it could be good," Tatum says, swayed by her boyfriend's action. Stu kisses Tatum's neck as Sid agrees.

"I need to go to Blockbuster so I'll see you guys later," I say, wanting to be out of the situation. "Oh I need to go there too," Stu says, running to catch up with me. We wave goodbye to the girls before continuing our walk. "You're coming to my fiesta right?" Stu asks, pouting like a puppy to try and convince me to go. I lightly slap his shoulder to get him to stop pouting at me, "of course I am you puppy, I just need to return these tapes that Casey got before she bit the dust," you say grinning at Stu. He instantly lightens up, his usual grin returning and I look ahead of us to see the Blockbuster.

♡━━ 𓆩⟡𓆪 ━━♡

Hope you're enjoying the story so far, just a small reminder that we try to upload regularly but we do have other things going on too that keep us kinda busy. Thank you.

~ Aj and Lia

𝙋𝙨𝙮𝙘𝙝𝙤 𝙆𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙧  {Scream 1996 // Ghostface x reader}Where stories live. Discover now