𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 15

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"ꜱᴏʀʀʏ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴛᴀʙ ᴡᴏᴜɴᴅ ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ"

•┈••✦ 𓆩⟡𓆪 ✦••┈•

I hear beeping beside me coaxing me out of my dreamless state, I try to open my eyes only to be met with a bright, blinding light and I quickly reach my hands up to cover my eyes. Lightly hissing in annoyance. This movement causes me to groan slightly as I feel an aching pain in my side. After a while, my eyes manage to adjust and I take a moment to look at my surroundings. I find myself in a pristine white hospital room, a heart monitor beside me, beeping in a steady rhythm. I carefully push myself up into a sitting position, trying to ignore the pain, as I begin to recount what occurred to land me here. The party, the ghostface attack, the reveal of Billy and Stu being the killers and their plan to frame Sidney's father. I don't know whether they've actually succeeded or not, I find myself hoping they did though, I love these boys after all and they confessed they love me as well. Heat rises to my cheeks as I remember that moment, I was too shocked to react at the time.

The door to the room suddenly opens and a nurse walks in, she looks shocked to see me awake before putting on a "welcoming" smile. I huff at her attempt to be polite but don't call her out on it. "Oh you're awake, I'll make sure to call a doctor to check on you," she says through gritted teeth, before walking out. What's her problem? I've never even met her, I think before coming to the conclusion that she must be having a busy night or something. Two minutes later another person walks in, he has a clipboard in his hand as he reads what I assume is a checklist of what I need to have checked or details of what injuries I have. He explains that I haven't sustained any major injuries as the stab wound didn't hit an important organ or any major blood vessels. "Your fellow survivors of the ghostface attack are alive and well also," he says writing on his clipboard after completing my check up. I pause for a second, debating who it was before finally asking, "who?" The doctor looks at me blankly before answering, "Billy Loomis and Stu Macher." He leaves after this, I spend a couple minutes debating whether to tell the police the truth or not.

There's a knock at the door, knocking me out of my thoughts, "Come in." The door opens and Dewey walks in with a notepad and pen, a guilty look plastered on his face. "I realise you've only just woken up, and that you've had a traumatic event, but if possible could you tell us what happened that night?" Dewey asks, pausing every now and then. I don't know exactly what Billy and Stu said, so if I try to cover for them with the same story, certain clues may give them away, at the same time I could tell the truth but... I want to help them. "I'm sorry I'm not ready to answer questions yet, I'm still trying to wrap my head around what happened," I reply, looking down as if disturbed, I've found I can be quite a good actor when I want to be. Dewey sighs before giving me a reassuring smile, placing a hand on my shoulder. "It's fine, I told the department it would be too early to question you on such an event but they were desperate to get facts right," he says, patting my shoulder before excusing himself from the room.

A couple days pass and my wound is healing up well. Dewey tries to question me every other day but I refuse to answer them everytime, playing my part of a traumatised victim when in front of him. Gale's tried to bust into my room a few times, as well as Billy and Stu's, from what the nurses have told me but they won't give out that information to anyone but the police. I find this amusing but nothing can truly raise my spirits from the disgusting hospital food. Most of the time I only eat the apple and nibble at the meals provided. I still haven't talked to Billy and Stu, it wasn't like I was allowed out of my bed unless I needed the bathroom, doctor's orders. I did hear that they were released today though. As usual I spend my evenings watching sappy romance movies, the nurses put them on to "help recover from the traumatic event" but in reality they just wanted to watch sappy movies while they work. I sigh disappointed at my predicament, Billy and Stu haven't visited yet, you'd think that if they did love me they would visit as soon as possible. I guess I was just a regular final girl to them then. I turn my head away from the TV and close my eyes. I'll be released tomorrow, the doctor saying that I'll just need to change my bandages everyday, apply a special cream everyday and prevent it from getting wet. They even left some bandages to put on while in the shower that are waterproof. I drift off after a couple minutes, dreams still being invaded by the murderers and their sweet touches even in a hostile environment.

I hear a creak in the middle of the night that causes me to stir, lifting my head up slightly. I see the room illuminated by the TV and two figures coming through the door. One is tall and skinny, the other slightly shorter and slightly more buff. I instantly recognise the duo as Billy and Stu. I turn my head in their direction slowly, still very tired. "Hey Doll, you feeling alright?" Billy asks. I breathe in deeply while nodding my head slowly. Stu comes up next to my bed, brushing hair out of my face before looking at the wound on my stomach and grimacing. "Sorry about the stab wound Sweetheart but we had to make sure you wouldn't be suspicious," Stu apologises quietly, placing his hand on my cheek. I wave the apology with my hand, a sign that I didn't care they stabbed me. Billy puts his hand on my other cheek, smiling in an apologetic way. "We wanted to ask you to run away with us. The police are starting to get suspicious of our story and we wanted to take you with us," Billy says softly. His other hand grabbing mine in a firm but gentle hold. I look up at them shocked, I thought they would leave me after being named "their final girl". "We have a cabin in the woods that we can stay at, Billy reached out to his mum and she's willing to provide us with enough money to survive every month. This is her way of apologising for not being there for him," Stu explains. My breathing picks up slightly. I'd be living with two killers but they spared me, I finally feel special for once. I remember that my "friends" are dead and that my parents worked me hard in order to get money out of me when I was older.

I look down for a second before meeting Stu's eyes. Both of them wait anxiously for my decision, knowing that it's a big one to make and will determine our futures together. Thinking about it, all I would really have here would be some crappy college course and a mass of nosey reporters wanting nothing but a story from me. If I leave, I'll have the 2 people I love most and a fresh start, which sounds more appealing by the second. I don't know how long it took me to make my decision but when I nod my head, Stu jumps up smiling and clapping like an excited child. Billy's mouth also twitches into a small smile which makes my heart melt at the genuine happiness this idea brings him. "Then it's settled, Stu get her up," Billy directs him. I see Stu reach his hand forward for me to take, I accept the offer and he pulls me up. I'm about to start walking when he scoops me up, holding me bridal style, causing me to yelp quietly in surprise. "Don't want you hurting yourself, love," he whispers into my ear, before starting to carry me out of the room into the dark hospital corridor, Billy in tow. We quickly and silently make our way through the corridors and out of the hospital, although a few whimpers left my mouth now and then as my wound still aches slightly.

We stop at a car in the corner of the dimly lit car park and Billy opens the door to let Stu place me down gently on the backseat. Ignoring my protests, Stu straps me in and I look over to my right to see a large rucksack and Sooty placed next to it. "You were in my room?" I ask quietly. "Actually, it was Billy, this time. He grabbed some of your clothes and stuff," Stu answers and my mind wanders to his implication that he has been in my room on another occasion, possibly more. The 2 boys get into the front of the car, Billy in the driver's seat and Stu in the passenger seat, fiddling with the radio. Billy reverses out of the carpark and starts to drive us away from Woodsboro, to our new home. I lean my head on the door as my eyes start to close, the quiet sound of "Good old fashioned lover boy" drifting from the radio as I slip into a dreamless sleep.

♡━━ 𓆩⟡𓆪 ━━♡

Sorry that this is a long one but woooo we escape with Billy and Stuu!! Both of us wrote this one which was fun. DONT LEAVE JUST YET THO, we still got one last bit to go!

~ Aj and Lia

𝙋𝙨𝙮𝙘𝙝𝙤 𝙆𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙧  {Scream 1996 // Ghostface x reader}Where stories live. Discover now