𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 3

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"ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʙɪʟʟʏ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ʜᴇʀᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ, ʏᴏᴜ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ?"

•┈••✦ 𓆩⟡𓆪 ✦••┈•

{Y/n POV}
I stare out the window of Dewey's police car as we pull up to school. Both Tatum and him insisted that I should be escorted to school, and I didn't have the energy to argue. Last night my dreams were invaded by blurry images of the events at Casey's house, the distorted voice caught my attention the most. These dreams slightly refreshed my memory on what happened: the phone calls, Casey frantically rushing about the house, and the deep voice of the mystery man. Around the entrance of the school I notice a sea of reporters and camera men, all waiting for a story, waiting for me.

I found out what happened to Casey when Dewey arrived at my door this morning. I just stared at him blankly when he said the police had found her gutted body hanging from a tree. I didn't cry, I didn't scream, I just stood silently, nodding my head in acknowledgment. I felt odd, I wasn't overwhelmed by depression or loss, in some ways I felt the opposite, I felt slightly relieved over not having to deal with her antics anymore, not deal with her whiny voice and constant complaining. I was, free. Of course I knew this was wrong, she was my supposed childhood friend, so I masked my relief with despair "begging" for it not to be true.

I take a deep breath before stepping out of the car, prepared to fight against the storm. As soon as my feet touch the ground, I'm swarmed by the reporters, cameras flashing in my eyes, a million questions being asked and multiple microphones shoved in my face. I can't move. Suddenly, 2 strong arms grip my shoulders, bringing me back from my panicked mind, and I look behind me to find Stu clinging to me protectively. He starts to push through the crowd while shielding my eyes from the flashes. We soon make it up the steps and into the school building. I let out a sigh of relief then notice he's still holding onto me. "Thanks for saving me," I smile up at him, feeling safe in his presence. My body relaxes on instinct, leaning back into him. He smiles down at me, "you okay? You know after all that happened, I realise you may have been asked this a thousand times already but I don't know if you are."

I smile softly at him, I have been asked that question by many different people, surprisingly not by any of the reporters outside. "I'll be alright Stu, I lost someone I knew most of my life so of course that'll leave a mark on me but I'll get over it eventually," I assure him, speaking very gently after planning the words out in my head. I still don't care that Casey and her man-baby boyfriend died after all.

"Well if you need anything me and Billy are always here for you, you know that right sweetheart?" Stu asks, concern in his eyes. His hands are gripped firmly on my shoulder so my attention stays on him. "Of course she does, Stu you remind her every week, besides the little warrior survived an attack from the murderer. I think she'll be more smug about that at the moment," a voice calls out from behind me. I turn and my eyes lock with chocolate brown eyes, Billy. "Oh yeah, forgot about that one," Stu says in a goofy voice. He tickles my sides while congratulating me. Billy looks at us with fondness in his eyes, but I'm too busy trying to escape the tickle attack to notice.

Tatum enters with Sidney trailing close behind and Stu lets go of me, walking over to his girlfriend. I feel empty and sad when Stu moves but quickly remind myself he belongs to someone else, and always will belong to someone else. "It's complete mayhem out there, I'm surprised you weren't crushed (y/n)!" Tatum says as she clutches Stu's arm. "How are you holding up?" Sidney pipes up as she makes her way to Billy's side. Jealousy swells within me every time the 2 girls cosy up to their boyfriends, the urge to rip Billy and Stu away from the blinds me for e second but I quickly recover and put on a forced smile, that was close. "I'm fine, I just wish people would stop asking me, it's getting tiring." I didn't necessarily mean to sound snappy but I don't have the energy to try and be nice. Sidney mutters a small "sorry," and leans closer into Billy's side. "It's fine, I guess I am a little on edge," this time I try to sound a little less antsy. Before any of us can say anything more, the loud bell sounds through the halls, making me jump slightly. I quickly make my way to my class without saying goodbye to the group, not really wanting to interact with anyone right now. I just hope that the boring english lesson would at least be enough to take my mind off of the constantly swirling thoughts in my head.

I'm almost falling asleep at my desk, we're studying the Merchant of Venice which is beyond boring, when a student appears at the door. I think nothing of them until I hear my name called out, I'm told the principal wants me in his office. I already know why as Dewey told me what's going on, it's my turn to be interrogated. I quickly make my way down the hall to the principal's office. I don't bother knocking before entering the room, soon finding myself faced with the principal, Dewey and another average officer I don't recognise. I sit down in a chair in front of a large wooden desk and am instantly bombarded with questions about how I knew Casey and what I was doing at her house. I answer everything with a small frown face but slightly monotone voice, I feel I have to at least act somewhat sad even if I'm not. Before I know it, I'm let out of the room and head back to class, but I notice Dewey following close alongside me. "Hey, I realise things might be hard right now but know you have friends around you and I can always lend a hand if it helps," Dewey says gently, studying my features for a sign that I may be uncomfortable or upset. I just smile at him in response. When we reach my classroom he bids me farewell and I enter the class. For the rest of the class I lay my head on my hands, the teacher lets me be considering what happened the night before.

♡━━ 𓆩⟡𓆪 ━━♡

This chapter was written mostly by me (with a little grammar help from Lia9485  ). Hope you're enjoying so far. Also, if you like Harry Potter, check out my Slytherin oneshots book and be sure to leave requests!

∼ Aj and Lia

𝙋𝙨𝙮𝙘𝙝𝙤 𝙆𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙧  {Scream 1996 // Ghostface x reader}Where stories live. Discover now