𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 4

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"ᴡʜᴏ ᴘɪꜱꜱᴇᴅ ꜱɪᴅɴᴇʏ ᴏꜰꜰ?"

•┈••✦ 𓆩⟡𓆪 ✦••┈•

After the first two periods finished I walked outside to the fountain where I knew my friends would be. As expected I see Tatum sitting on Stu's lap, Sidney in between Billy's legs and Randy sat beside Tatum. Stu sees me and beckons me over. I feel a pang in my chest when I see the two people I love be cuddly with other people but force a small smile on my face. English has drained most of my energy despite being called out halfway through to answer questions, the books we're studying are just so boring. Instead of sitting on the fountain beside Randy or Billy I sit by Stu's legs and lean against them. Closing my eyes as I lightly doze to try and gain some energy back.

I know Tatum doesn't mind as she can sense when someone wants to take her boyfriend, if she knows I have a crush on her boyfriend she doesn't care as she knows I'm not that type of person. Stu ruffles my hair lightly to get my attention, offering me some grapes provided by Tatum. Taking one and popping it into my mouth, I notice Billy staring with an unrecognisable emotion in his eyes as I shut my eyes.

I don't really remember the conversation that went down, only being startled awake by a kick to my shoulder. Sidney quickly apologises before walking away, Tatum following shortly after to check on her best friend. Billy lightly slaps Stu on the back of the head before sitting beside me. Randy's too busy enjoying the rest of the grapes to care about what's going on around him. "What's going on, who pissed Sidney off and in turn pissed Tatum off?" I ask confused, blinking away the sleep in my eyes. Billy chuckles, "Stu and Randy had a dumb argument about who the killer could be, I guess it reminded Sidney about her mom's death last year so she left." Billy answered calmly, he seemed very relaxed considering his girlfriend could be having an emotional breakdown somewhere, then again I should be bawling at the death of my "childhood friend" so I don't question it. Stu ruffles your hair lightly, moving your head away from him gently as he sits down. You place your head on his shoulder instead, still very tired.

Stu and Billy talk about horror movies for a bit, you adding your own points in here and there. You have a light smile on your face as you listen to them, when they notice you smiling they smile to each other, pride in each of their eyes as they realise you're smiling at their conversation. A couple minutes later the bell rings, there's a collective groan from all the students as they start packing their bags and moving back inside the hot stuffy school. Billy gets up offering his hand to you which you accept. Randy rolls his eyes before leaving, Billy and Stu escort you to your next lesson, Billy shooting glares at people who gave you dirty looks and snide remarks while Stu kept your attention on other things: such as how pretty your nails look in (f/c), talking about random horror movies and bitching about the teachers here.

♡━━ 𓆩⟡𓆪 ━━♡

This is kind of a shorter chapter but thanks to Lia9485 for this one. Don't forget to drink water!

~ Aj and Lia

𝙋𝙨𝙮𝙘𝙝𝙤 𝙆𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙧  {Scream 1996 // Ghostface x reader}Where stories live. Discover now