𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 11

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"ꜱᴜʀᴘʀɪꜱᴇ ᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴏᴜꜱ"

•┈••✦ 𓆩⟡𓆪 ✦••┈•

I'm startled awake by a loud thud coming from outside. I blink a couple of times before cautiously making my way out the backdoor to find the source of the noise. I spot Sidney crawling off Stu's family boat, groaning in pain. She sees me and points up while gasping for air. I follow her finger and see a screaming mask peering out the upstairs window at me, the one the students used in the halls for pranks except this time it was much more menacing. For whatever reason though, I wasn't scared, the mask was staring at me as if it was shocked to see me before saying, "well hello there Precious." He used a different nickname than when we first met for some reason, my heart rate picks up slightly as I stare at him. Sidney grabs my hand before running around the house, the only thing she's able to gasp out is "Billy's dead!" I freeze in place for a moment, letting her words sink in. One of the people most precious to me is gone and he's never coming back. Sid drags me out of my daze as we run around the garage and see a corpse hanging from the door. Sidney quickly recognises the corpse and lets out a weasy scream, still very much out of breath, "Tatum." I feel no remorse over the death of Tatum, but Billy's fogs my mind, rational thoughts quickly fleeting. Randy was missing as well, making my head spin even more. Tears stream down my face as Sidney drags me back in the house and over to the drawer where Dewey placed the gun earlier. She quickly retrieves it and makes sure the gun is loaded and the safety is off.

I hear a yell from outside and look through the door to see Randy stumbling towards us, "Guys, we gotta get the fuck out of here!" Sidney points the gun at him and he raises his arms in surrender. "Don't shoot, it's me! I found Tatum, she's dead! I think Stu did it-" "Don't listen to him Sweetheart, he killed my girlfriend! He killed my Tatum!" Stu runs around the corner, locking eyes with me and stomping towards us. His eyes furrow when he notices my tears and he has a guilty look in his eyes, I tilt my head confused at this. Before I can react Sidney closes the door and locks it while yelling, "Fuck you both." We hear Randy's yells from outside insisting that we let him in or he'll die by Stu's hand. I'm still destroyed over the death of Billy and hardly register when Sid passes me the gun while she goes and looks for another weapon. She comes back with a knife secured in her hand and we hear thuds from upstairs. We look over to the top just as Billy, who is covered in blood, falls down the stairs. I dart towards him and help him up, he pushes some his weight onto me and I smell a sweet scent coming from him, not the usual metallic smell that blood gives off, there's something about the redness of it that seems weird as well but I don't question it, too worried over his state. Billy tries to stumble to the door but Sidney blocks him, "The killer's out there Billy." Billy nods his head in understanding before turning to me. He looks at the gun at the gun in my hand before looking into my eyes again. There's a glimmer of amusement and pride as he looks at me fondly. "Can I have the gun Little Warrior?" Bill asks softly, gripping the gun in my hand lightly. "You're hurt, I can do it," I reply just as firmly, as I grip the gun tighter. "It'll be alright, I promise, just give me the gun and I'll handle it," he coos lightly in my ear. My grip on the gun lossens and he encourages me more, cooing praises and stroking my hand while smiling softly. He takes the gun from my grip and stumbles to the door, opening it as Randy bursts in."Stu's flipped! He's gone mad!" Randy yells as he runs behind Billy.

Billy closes the door and slowly turns around, the look in his eyes screams amusement and malicious intent. "We all go a little mad sometimes," Billy says softly while grinning. He points the gun at Randy who shouts "oh fuck!" as Sidney whips around a gunshot rings throughout the house and Randy is thrown back, smashing into a table in the hallway and hitting his head on the ground. Sidney screams before running to Randy's side, I stare at Billy with wide eyes, he looks proud at the mess he caused before looking at me, his eyes soften slightly and he smirks. He licks the blood on his fingers, "it's the same stuff they used in Carrie, you know what that is right Doll?" Billy says, the nickname caused chills to run down my spine and my cheeks began to feel hot. "It's c-corn syrup" I answer stuttering, Sidney runs behind me for the door as Stu walks in. She runs into the taller male and he looks at Billy, seeming shocked before looking at me with adoration in his eyes. "Stu we gotta go," Sidney says, choking on her tears. Stu finally looks at her and pulls out a white box from his back pocket, bringing it to his lips. "Surprise Sidney," Stu says smirking, a feral look appearing in his eyes as he looks at her, "surprise Precious," he says again, looking over at me with an overwhelming amount of love in his eyes.

♡━━ 𓆩⟡𓆪 ━━♡

And so begins the final act! Me and Lia9485  worked on this a bit together but mostly her on this one. See you soon!

~ Aj and Lia

𝙋𝙨𝙮𝙘𝙝𝙤 𝙆𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙧  {Scream 1996 // Ghostface x reader}Where stories live. Discover now