Valentine's Day

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Today Donald had a rally in South Carolina but he wanted to spend the day with his girl and have his attention on her until it was time to rally

Donald got up early, Melania is usually up with him at the same time every day

"Happy Valentine's Day baby" Donald kissed her handing her, her morning coffee just enjoying their time together

"Happy Valentine's Day darling" Melania kissed him

"I have a little something for you" Donald smiled, handing her flowers and a card

"These are so beautiful, thank you darling" Melania smiled at her guy, teary eyed

Melania opened the card and read it to herself

"Oh my goodness, this card I'm going to cry. I love you" Melania wrapped her arms around his neck, sitting on the couch kissing him

"I love you baby. You're my everything, you make me a better man every day. You've never left my side. I don't know what I would do without you" Donald smiled at her

"Well you're never going to have to find out. We go through everything together. I love you so much" Melania just smiled, they are just loving up on each other

"I love you so much baby" Donald kissed her

Barron walked in as they were having their little moment. He went out early to be able to get Melania flowers before she was having her day with Donald before he left

"Oh, well good morning lovebirds" Barron laughed

"Where were you" Melania asked smiling

"I had a little errand. For you" Barron smiled, handing his mom flowers and a card

"B, you're so sweet. You're so much like your daddy. How did I get so lucky with the sweetest guys" Melania hugged her son

"I think dad and I can say we're the lucky ones to have you" Barron said

"Barron's right baby" Donald smirked at her

I love you B" Melania smiled

"I love you mom" Barron kissed his mothers cheek

"And I love you so much" Melania looked at her husband and kissed him

"I love you baby" He kissed her

Donald and Melania had lunch plans today but just the two of them and Barron was going to have a few friends over so his parents could enjoy themselves

Melania was in the bathroom finishing up getting ready and singing her daily music

Donald walked in, wrapping his arms around her, laying his chin on her shoulder, he couldn't help but laugh he thought it was so cute when she would sing

"you look beautiful" Donald kissed her cheek

"thank you baby" she smiled, sliding her rings on

Donald spun her around in his arms, kissing her leaving her breathless

"I love you" He smiled

"I love you darling, let's go have Barron take some pictures" Melania said

"Okay, but be ready a few of his friends are out there and they love you" Donald laughed

They both walked out into the living room, seeing Barron sitting on the couch with his friends

"B, you want to take some pictures" Melania asked

"Yes" Barron smiled

Barron had his parents do a couple cute pictures

"You guys are so cute" Barron smiled at his parents

"Your dad is one lucky man" One of Barrons friends chimed in

"He knows, believe me he knows he's lucky" Barron chuckled

"Your mom is so hot, if they had a hot mom contest she would win" Barrons friends said laughing

"Yo, she's standing right here. I know she's beautiful but remember this woman is your next First Lady, be careful with what you say because your gonna have to deal with me or my father who is very protective over his girl. It's just not right that's my mom, I know she's beautiful but control yourselves" Barron said defensively, shaking his head

"These pictures are so cute, thank you Barron" Melania smiled

"Thank you, now go have fun you too" Barron said to his parents as they walked out the door

Donald and Melania sat down for their dinner. Just completely enjoying being together.

"How did I  get so darn lucky" Donald said smiling at his girl

"I'm pretty lucky myself darling" Melania said sweetly

"We both have done amazing but what's even better is we get to do it all together" Donald said

"I couldn't agree more. But I got you forever darling, through every crazy moment. You do amaze me. It's always been you and me. I love you so much" Melania said teary eyed

"It's always you and me. You amaze me, your warmth and your guidance getting me through everyday. You literally make me a better man. I love you very much" Donald grabbed her hand from across the table and kissed it

Once they finished their dinner they got back to Barron

"Did you lovebirds have fun" Barron smiled

"It was nice, thank you"  Donald smiled

Donald and Melania sat down on the couch next to Barron

"I'm sorry about earlier with them, they just don't know when to stop. I'm honestly used to it because you are so beautiful but they don't stop. You would die if I told you what I hear some guys call you at school" Barron laughed

"Do I want to know" Melania asked hesitantly

"They call you a MILF" Barron laughed, shaking his head

Donald bursted out laughing

"Oh, lovely. That's new" Melania laughed

They must be so jealous dad gets to have you and honestly their moms must look like dogs" Barron added

"Good well let them stay jealous" Melania said

"You are so darn lucky dad. I'm being totally honest but I got pretty lucky to, to be able to call her mom." Barron agreed

"That was sweet,yes I know. But i think we can both say we've just done very well in life in general because we have each other and a great son" Donald smiled at her

"I feel so lucky all around. I love doing life with you, I love you so much" Melania kissed

"I love you very much, you mean the world to me baby" Donald kissed her back

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