Saturday Night Gala

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Donald and Melania were hosting a gala tonight at Mar - A - Lago with people but also some big political figures and Barron was going with them so it was going to be a good night

Barron was almost ready to head out, Donald was already done so he was going to check on Melania to see if she was ready

When he walked in, he heard music playing Melania singing as she finished up her makeup

Donald walked in laughing, wrapping his arms around her

Melania turned off the music

"You look absolutely beautiful. You almost ready" Donald kissed her cheek

"Thank you darling you don't look to bad yourself. yes we can start to head out" Melania smiled at him

They both walked out into the living room , Donald called for Barron down the hall

"You about ready bud" Donald said down the hall

"Yes" Barron walked out fixing his collar

"Man, you are my mini I see it more and more everyday. We did good baby"Donald smiled

Barron just smiled

"We definitely did" Melania agreed

As they walked down the hall to enter the Ball Room with Vivek and his wife, Barron caught Melania looking over at him

"Why are you looking at me like that" Barron laughed

"I'm allowed to look at you. I literally pushed you out of me" Melania said

Donald laughed hysterically

"Oh my God, stop we're in public" Barron shook his head, laughing

Donald, Melania, Vivek & his wife all walked in the hall room, Donald let Melania ahead of him

Melania walked in, waving at everyone. Donald caught up to her, checking on her, making sure she was good

He hugged her, kissed her cheek. Melania did the same, and rubbed his back with his arms still around her

They were extremely lovey dovey all night. Donald truly just makes sure she's good and is very protective over her

They both once again shared the same sweet and tender love right before Donald took the stage to give a quick speech

Donald put his hands on her waist, kissed her head, Melania kissed his cheek and gave him a loving, sweet, and encouraging smile

Donald finished his quick speech and sat down to have dinner with Melania, Barron, Vivek and his wife

This was a cool experience for Barron to be able to sit in on big conversations now that he is older and can understand things on a bigger level

"Barron how does it feel to be able to vote for your own dad the first time you get to vote" Vivek asked

"So insane. I am very proud of my dad more and more everyday. my mom too, to see what they've both endured together but how they handle it together is amazing" Barron smiled

"Well I can definitely say and I'm sure your dad will agree that to do a job like this you truly have to have someone you can fall back on everyday and someone for advice, to hold you down and truly be like your backbone" Vivek said

"I agree totally, this one makes everyday easier when it's hard, she's the best with advice, has an amazing heart, she keeps me grounded and is my partner in crime" Donald smiled at his wife

" when I was in this race, this is exactly how it felt between me and my wife, she wasn't out there with me every day but man she was always right there for me when I came home but I think the biggest reason she wasn't there was because I didn't want that for her. I felt like a sense protection I needed to have over her because as you know, clearly, it's not always the nicest." Vivek added

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