Melania's Hype Men

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Hey Everyone, so this chapter is one that just came to mind. This chapter is sort of a continuation of when they had a Baby Girl, but this takes place like two months after. But please leave more story suggestions in the comments!!

Donald was getting off of work soon, and he couldn't help but think how long it's been since he's taken Melania out on a date since they had their baby girl so he thought tonight was the perfect night since he's getting off work earlier then usual.

So, on his way home, he decided to get her flowers, and head home to his girls.

When he got home, she wasn't in the kitchen or the living room "Melania, Lucia, where are my girls"

"we're in our bedroom Melania called back

when Donald got to their room, he was met with the most beautiful sight, his girl holding his baby girl, even though his sweet girl was born two months ago Donald falls in love with her sweet little face all over again.

"God, your so cute, my girl you take right after your mama" Donald says sweetly giving them both kisses

"How did your day go" Donald asked

"it went good, we've just been relaxing all day, this little girl had a two hour nap today, she's been a complete angel" Melania smiled

I'm sure she was, she always is" Donald agreed

"Well I actually have a surprise for you, but first where's Barron" Donald asked

"He's in his room"

"good, i'll be right back" Donald said going to his sons room

"Hey, B can I ask you something" Donald said, sitting down on Barron's bed

"What's up, dad"

"So I know how much you love spending time with your little sister and taking care of her for us and always helping, and I really want to take your mom out for a little bit we haven't gone out since Lucia was born, if you don't want to watch her that's fine but we won't be gone long, your mom is going to want to come home since it's her first time away from the baby"

"Of course, I would love to take care of her, you guys need some times for yourselves" Barron answered sweetly

"Thank you buddy, I know this mom is going to be so happy"

"Your welcome dad"

Donald went back to their bedroom to tell Melania they are going out

"So, what was that all about? Melania asked

"So first, I wanted to give you these" Donald said handing Melania beautiful red roses

"Thank you honey, they are beautiful" Melania smiled, kissing him

"So I've been wanted to take you out since Lucia has been born, and i know you probably don't want to leave the baby for a long time but we wont be gone to long. Even if we go get ice cream or something, just something small to get you out of the house and for us just to spend some time together. Barron already said he would love to watch the baby for a little bit, I think he will have it all under control" Donald smiled

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