Father's Day

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Today is Father's Day, they were all in Bedminster

It was still early, Donald and Melania were just laying in bed

"Happy Father's Day darling" She kissed him, smiling

"Thank you baby girl" He kissed her back long and slow

Barron walked into his parents bedroom to give his dad a card

"Happy Father's Day daddio" He smiled

"Thank you B" donald smiled

"For you" Barron said, handing him a card

Donald took the card and read it to himself

A minute of silence goes by and Donald is getting emotional reading what Barron wrote

"Awe he's crying" Melania said, now getting teary eyed herself

"Damn boy, your killing me" He smiled, wiping a tear from his eye

Barron laughed slightly and smiled "I love you dad"

"Come here you. Sit with me" Donald sat up kissing his sons head

"This is very weird, I don't know the last time I've laid in bed with my parents" Barron laughed

"Oh take us back to when you were that little. I love you my boy" Donald said

"I love you, thank you for everything you do always. I don't know what I would do without you." Barron smiled

"You are the best husband and daddy anyone could ever wish for" Melania said sweetly

"I'm just beyond lucky, there is no doubt about that" He said

The three of them, just sat together and talked for a while

"Can you believe it's been nine years since I announced" Donald said

"I know, I remember, the ride down the escalator. What a night, so insane that that much time has passed" Melania said in disbelief

"That's wild. And look how much the two of you have gone through since then"

"We get through it all because we have each other" Donald said

"Very true. Honestly I think it makes us all stronger" She said

"I agree"

"Nine years flew by though, I was nine years old. And you are like bulletproof, God couldn't have made a man any tougher. I don't think you'll ever realize how much I looked up to you growing up, and believe me I still do very much but when I was younger remember you would throw me up on your shoulders and in my eyes you were the strongest person who I wished to be like when I was older. Now I feel so lucky that I can say that wish came true" Barron smiled

"You were always daddy's boy" Donald smiled

"Always was, where do you think the nickname little Donald came from" Melania smiles

Both boys laughed

"And when you were younger and I would walk through the door. You came running to me, screaming daddy at the top of your lungs, wrapped your arms around me and never let go. Once you knew I was home it's like mom didn't exist to you" Donald smiled

Barron laughed, "Awe. I remember your the one I wanted"

"I did not exist" Melania said, laughing

"And what else is amazing is, I've never seen someone so in love with his woman and it is very sweet. Which leads me to a question I've always wanted to ask you and I don't mean this in a bad way, I need to know what ever happened to the girl who was supposed to be your date the night you met mom" Barron asked

Donald laughed "I have no idea, I never made it that far"

Barron and Melania laughed "That's hysterical"

"I was with the guy that ran the event and he looked at me and said "I want you to meet so and so" who happened to be sitting next to mom and I said forget about her who's the one on the left. The second I saw mom that was it." Donald looked at her and smiled

"That's sweet"

"And look, what a life we've created" Melania said sweetly, kissing his cheek

"What a beautiful life" He said

"You know what I've learned B" Donald asked his son

"What's that" He said

"Never forget this. Let your heart fall in love because you will end up finding the one that makes you a better man,  who you couldn't imagine living a day without, who is your best friend through anything life with throw at you. There is this saying that is "you don't marry the person you can live with, but the one you can't live without" I couldn't live without your mom and her love and I couldn't imagine life without her" Donald smiled emotionally

"You found the one you truly needed, but one your heart truly loved" Barron added

"Exactly. And hey it could take you one, two, even three times, but man your heart knows when that search is over. It's a love that's unconditional."

"Awe dad. You regret the last two" He asked

"No. I don't. Because not only did I get four children out of it but I had to get through those to get to the love of my life. It was meant to be that way" Donald smiled

"Moms crying" Barron laughed

Donald kissed her

"I don't think I've ever heard you talk like that" She said sweetly

"I mean it. I love you very much"

"I love you"

"You met your match. You two are like a match made in heaven. There's literally no Donald without Melania" Barron laughed

"Amen to that" Donald agreed

"But truly, your mom has mad me better, my partner in crime, she keeps me so grounded every day. I'm blessed to have her hand through all the crazy. That she's the one I come home to, to melt into after any good day, bad day. She's the first one I tell anything to. If you were to ask me how I do it I would tell you I feel like I could conquer the whole world with one hand because I have her holding the other. She's  my rock"

"I love you so much. Your killing me today" Melania couldn't stop the tears from falling

"And she gave me you. My mini me. I am such a lucky man"

"You both are cute. Also thank God I don't have ugly parents, that would be unfortunate for me" Barron said laughing

Both his parents laughed

"Alright ma, here's something fun for you to think about.. Would you rather go skydiving or kiss Joe Biden for a million dollars" Barron asked

Donald laughed uncontrollably

"I hate heights, but Ew. You literally just gave me the creeps. I have shivers down my spine. Do you know how many things I would rather do then kiss that freak. Cut my own hand off, step on broken glass, so many things but that's not one of them" Melania said truthfully

Donald and Barron laughed " why you don't wanna give the president a little kiss" Barron asked

" oh I will definitely just not that one. I actually love this one"

Donald smiled

" that gives me the heebie-jeebies I'd probably would rather kiss a frog" Melania said

Donald laughed

" that was hysterical. Oh mom, I love you. I do feel bad for that mans wife"

I'll stick with my president, I'm very happy" Melania smiles

"I love you baby" Donald laughs

"I love you darling" She smiles, kissing him

With that, all three of them, just enjoyed their day of being together, talking about everything and laughing like crazy.

Hey everyone, so sorry for the delay on posting. I was so busy with tests for the end of the school year but school is finally over so I'll be updating more. I have so many chapters that I need to put in the next few days. This one is a little short, but sweet .

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