A Not So Happy Halloween

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Hi Everyone i know i haven't posted in forever and i am so sorry, now that summer has started I decided to start updating again so i hope you enjoy this!

Holloween was one of Barrons favorite holidays since he was young and he loved dressing up, This year, Barron wanted to be a tiger so Donald and Melania got him a tiger costume.

The morning of Holloween Day, Melania was up rather early she was very tired but she just could not fall asleep and to be honest she just didn¨t feel her best she had cramps on and off all morning, so she already knew what that meant.

So she decided to get up and wash her face but before she even got the chance to get up Donald felt her move he pulled her down on the bed closer to him ¨stay in bed with me¨ Donald said softly giving her a soft lingering kiss ¨ im just going to wash my face I will come right back¨ so she gets up off the bed and heads to their conjoined bathroom which is connected to their room.

Donald laid on their bed watching her wash her face ¨babe are you okay¨

¨yeah im okay, im just really tired and i have cramps and they are starting to get bad¨ Melania said whining a little ¨ and honestly im dreading this day because im just so tired and i truly dont feel my best but anything for our boy¨ she said muttering from the bathroom

Donald right away knew what that meant ¨aw baby im sorry you are so tired and dont feel good¨so he got up out of bed and went into the bathroom and wrapped his arms around her waist, she automatically relaxed in his embrace and turned around and faces him and lays her head on his chest

¨im sorry, i just dont want to be out on my feet all day but barron has been looking foward to this day all year and i cant let him down¨ Melania said looking up at him.

So, Donald picked her up carrying her back to their bed, ¨whoa honey watcha doing¨ Melania said smiling at him ¨taking you back to bed to cuddle you all day¨ Donald smiled ¨but honey what about barron, he's going to be sad that he cant go tricker treating¨

¨ I will take him, but for right now im going to cuddle you¨ Donald said sweetly ¨aw baby your so sweet, you would do that for me

¨of course I would now just relax¨ So of course Donald kept his word and let her sleep on him stroking her hair, After a bit they both got up and decided to have breakfast, After breakfast Melania realized Barron was still asleep and it was rather late in the morning and he never sleeps this late so Melania went to go see if he was awake

To her surprise he was still asleep which was surprising for their 5 year old, so she decided to take him ¨Barron its time to wake up and eat breakfast and later tonight daddy will take you tricker treating¨ Melania said softly

Once again to her surprise when Barron turned around to face his mom, Melania realized he didnt look to well ¨Barron are you feeling well¨ Melania asked her 5 year old ¨ not really¨ Barron said kinda whiney

¨aw baby boy im so sorry, let me take your tempature. She took her boy's tempature and his tempature came back as a 102 fever ¨baby you have a fever, just go lay here and i'll go talk to daddy and i will bring you back a juice¨ Melania said sweetly giving Barron a kiss on his hot forehead

Melania walks out of her sons bedroom and heads back out to the kitchen to talk to Donald

¨our poor little boy is sick, so i guess holloween is non-existent now, I feel so bad he looks so sad laying there in his bed¨

¨oh no, what's wrong I hate when he is sick and by the way how are you feeling ¨ Donald asked ¨

¨well i definitely could be better i did get my period and my stomach is killing me, and Barron has a 102 fever. I have to go bring him a juice¨

¨i hate it when my baby's dont feel good, i have an idea bring him his juice and carry him back to our bed and i will cuddle you both all day¨ Donald smiled at his beautiful wife

So, Melania did as he said she got Barron his juice from the fridge went back into his room and picked him up from his bed and carried her boy to their bedroom and lays him in between his mommy and daddy.

Once he is snuggled up in between his parents Melania goes over to her side of the bed and gets comfy, so Donald puts one of his hands on Melania's stomach and wraps his arm around his son. ¨I love relaxing days with my family, i just hate when you both dont feel good¨ Donald said softly trying not to wake their son

¨me too honey but your right i hate getting my period but what's worse is seeing barron sick¨ Melania said sadly ¨I will take care of you both today¨ Donald said sweetly giving Melania a kiss

¨oh baby your too sweet, i dont deserve you¨ Melania said giving him another loving kiss

After a while, Melania and Barron fell asleep and Donald did as he told himself staying and cuddling them both all day. After what seemed like forever to Donald they both finally woke up and Donald was so happy because he missed talking to Melania and his little boy

¨Good Morning baby you look beautiful¨ Donald said kissing her ¨yeah right I feel so gross¨ Melania said truly ¨aw baby im so sorry¨Donald said giving her a sweet kiss on the cheek

¨Good morning Barron, how are you feeling Melania said sweetly to her son ¨a little better ¨ Barron said laying back down ¨ḧere let me take your tempature¨

Melania reached over to her bedside table and took his tempature

¨baby you still have a fever but it did go down a little from before, but lets go downstairs to eat something you havent eaten anything all day¨ Melania said giving her son a kiss on the cheek

So thats what they did, they had some leftover chicken soup from the night before so melania just heated it up for the 3 of them

¨was it good, Barron¨ Melania asked ¨yes mommy thank you can iI go lay back down but instead of going back into my bed can I sleep with you and daddy tonight¨ Barron asked smiling

¨Of course you can and i will carry you back to bed¨ Donald said sweetly chiming into the conversation ¨thank you daddy¨ Barron says so happy

So Barron got up from the chair running to his dad with open arms and a smile on his face

So Donald picked him up and carried him to their bed, once he got Barron all tucked and comfy in bed he came back to the kitchen to Melania and picked her up, ¨wow im getting picked up too¨ Melania said giggling a little ¨of course you are¨ Donald said giving her a sweet smile

Once they get to their room Donald softly lays her down on their bed and covers her up with their little boy in between, Once Donald lays down he puts his arms around Melania and gives her a kiss ¨what an amazing Holloween today¨ Donald said jokingly with a laugh¨

¨Oh yeah, it was amazing¨ Melania said giggling

Thank you for taking care of us today, my love¨ Melania said kissing him

¨dont thank me thats what husband's do, take care of their family Donald said sweetly

aw my love you are way too sweet, I love you so much¨ Melania said softly

¨I love you more, but go to bed baby its late and you need sleep¨ Donald said giving Melania endless sweet kisses

¨Good night my love ¨ Melania said sweetly before falling asleep in Donald's arms

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