Grandpa's Girl

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Hey everyone, just another story that just came to mind. I thought since my homecoming is coming up this story was a good idea. Just keep in mind this is just a fanfic

Kai was in the bathroom getting ready for her homecoming. She was so happy, she loved her dress and was so excited to go with her boyfriend.

Once she was ready, she already told Donald that she would show him her homecoming dress first, so she headed downstairs where he and Melania were sitting on the couch.

Kai and Donald have always had a very close relationship, and he was her best friend so this meant a lot to her

She went over to the couch, and just sat next to him, tapping his shoulder and he and Melania turned around.

"So, what do you think" Kai smiled

"You look beautiful baby doll"

"Kai, you look stunning" Melania smiled

"Thank you" Kai said sweetly

"I love you grandpa" Kai said kissing him on the cheek

I love you too, have an amazing time tonight and if you need me I'm here" Donald said seriously

After a while, Kai was having a great time, everything was going smoothly until some group of boys decided to come up to her and call her names about how she looked and how bad she looked

And after that it ruined her entire night especially since she truly loved her dress and thought she looked beautiful but not anymore.

To top it off, her boyfriend broke up with her at the dance because another so called "friend" of her's made up a rumor that Kai liked someone else and wanted to break up with him

So that just made her feel even worse, so she did as she was told, if she needed anything.

She went and hid in the bathroom crying, and called Donald to come get her, because she didn't feel like telling her dad yet

"Hello" Donald said on the other end of the phone

"Grandpa, I need you to come get me, I'll explain why when we get home, but just don't tell dad now" Kai pleaded

That's when Donald started to get nervous not knowing what could have happened

"Kai, honey, what happened" Donald said frantically

"Just come get me, and don't ask me anything till we get home" Kai cried

"I'm on my way"

Donald got off the couch and raced out the door.

Hey, where are you going" Melania asked

"Going to go get Kai, she called me crying, something happened but she won't tell me till we get back home" Donald yelled

"Oh no" Melania said nervously

Once Donald finally got to the party, he was just so sad to see her upset. But respecting her wishes he didn't ask any questions till they got home

Once they got in the door, Kai plopped down on the couch next to Melania, not saying anything yet until Donald sat down next to her

"So tell me what happened, your making me nervous" Donald said

Kai started to explain to Donald and Melania, "so basically, this group of boys just started to come up to me and tell me I looked fat in my dress and called me these awful names" Kai, starting crying again recalling the incident of what happened

As she started to crying again, Donald became more raged but at the same time, trying to stay calm to not make Kai more upset

"Come here, Donald whispers wrapping her in a hug

Oh, Kai honey, I'm so sorry" Melania said rubbing her back lovingly

And to top it off, my boyfriend broke up with me, because one of my so called "friends" made up a rumor and told him I liked someone else and wanted to break up with him which isn't true and humiliated me in front of everyone" Kai said

"Oh no" Donald and melania both said sadly

"This was supposed to be one of the best nights of my life, and it's definitely not one I want to remember"

"Kai listen to me, what did I tell you before you left the house tonight? I told you you looked beautiful. Would I ever lie to you, never. You never need any sort of validation from a boy to know your beauty. And to be honest with you, no man you'll never know will ever tell you your more beautiful then me or treat you the way you deserve, the reason for that is, is because there's not many men out there like me anymore. And I'm not saying this because I never want you to get married it find a good man, I'm just saying men like me are hard to find. But with your amazing hard you will find a good one, that I can promise you but remember I'll always love you first" Donald said smiling, kissing her on the cheek

"Awe, now your making me cry, grandpa I l love you so much" Kai said tear eyed

"Seriously, who's cutting onions over here, babe that was so sweet, why are you so perfect" Melania said crying

"Not perfect at all, I just know how a woman should be treated"

"Can I stay here tonight, and we can talk to dad about all this tomorrow, I just want to go to bed" Kai asked

"Of course you can, I'm just gonna call dad and tell him your staying here" Donald said

"Thank you, I love you guys so much" Kai smiled

"We love you too" Donald and Melania both said

So Kai, went to bed with a very happy heart, with so much love for her grandpa and how much he loves her, and still teary eyed from his words of wisdom

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