Mother's Day

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Saturday night Donald had a rally in Wildwood, then was going home to Melania and he was so ready

Donald got done with his rally and headed home

He walked in the door, Melania and Barron were sitting together

"Hey baby" He smiled, wrapping his arms around her

"Hey darling, I'm happy your home. You killed it tonight, you were great" She kissed him

"Thank you baby" He kissed her back

"You were so good, dad" Barron said

"Thank you B" He smiled

"God it feels good to be home" Donald melted into Melania just relaxed

"Are we tired" She looked at him and smiled

"No, but I'm just happy to be with you" He kissed her cheek

"I'm glad your home" She smiled

"Can I ask you a question" Barron said to his dad

"Hit me"

"Looking at you right now and always so blown away by how you do what you do. But do you ever get nervous and sometimes not knowing what your next move will be" He asked

"B, I do what I do because I have no choice. And I can do it because I also have your mom. But why do you ask. You nervous" Donald said

"Yes and no. I just think I have this big fear of failure and I know it's not something I should have" He said

"Barron, everything is going to work out. You have the brightest future, you know exactly what you want. And I will always be right here when you need me. This new chapter for you is going to be a great one" His dad smiled

"I'm happy I'm following in your footsteps" Barron said

"We celebrate mama tomorrow" Donald  smiled, and kissed Melania

Melania smiled and giggled "I love you"

"I love you baby" He said

"You remember your first Mother's Day" Barron asked

"Of course. It was beautiful. You were the most handsome, cutest baby" she smiled

Barron laughed

"It's because we created him" Donald laughed

"We did good" Melania gave him a high five

"I can't" Barron laughed

"We did baby" Donald smiled

"I'm going to bed, love you" Barron said

"Love you B"

Everyone headed to bed and the next morning Donald and Melania woke up together to a very quiet house so they thought Barron wasn't up yet

Donald got up quietly to get Melania and him a cup of coffee, flowers and a card he got for her

He came back to their room holding both cups and getting back in bed

Melania began to stir and wake up, she opened her eyes seeing a cup of coffee, a card and flowers waiting for her

"Happy Mother's Day baby" He kissed her softly

"Thank you love" She kissed him, taking her cup of coffee from his hands

Melania opened her card that laid on her bedside table

"This is so sweet and these flowers are beautiful. I love you, thank you" She kissed him

"I love you baby" He smiled, kissing her

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