No One Fights With Donald's Girl

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It was rare when Melania and Barron fought. But recently they have gotten into it

When Donald got home, he figured the house would be quiet and he could just be with Melania

He walked in the door to Melania and Barron fighting

"Your actually being so dramatic, I don't get it. God I can't wait to move out." Barron yelled

"Im not being dramatic" Melania got more upset by the second

"I'm 18 and grown, im not five anymore ma, let it go" He snapped back

Donald interrupted their argument

"What's wrong baby" Donald put his hand on her back softly

"Your son" Melania said emotionally, looking up at him

"Barron" Donald motioned down the hall to his room "I'll handle you in a minute"

"Ridiculous" He whispered to himself, as he walked to his room

"I wouldn't keep talking if I were you" Donald warned

Once he was gone Melania completely melted in her husband's embrace

Donald had his hands around her waist

"The older they get, the harder it gets" Melania said, clearly emotional

"No, I'll take care of him, he's not going to treat you like crap.. that's unacceptable" Donald said

"I love you" She kissed him softly

"I love you baby, go relax then I'll come lay down when I'm done with him" Donald kissed her

Without knocking, Donald just walked into his sons room

"I don't appreciate you talking to your mom that way" He started

"Dad" Barron tried to protest

"I don't want to hear it Barron" Donald said frustrated

"Insane, I'm literally your flesh and blood and your still going to take her side over me" Barron argued

"You're right, you're my son. But I will never let anyone disrespect her in any way. If I don't let anyone in the media or strangers I don't even know speak badly about her, you bet your ass I'm not letting my son get by with it. She was mine way before she was yours, she has bent over backwards to make sure you were always good through everything we've been put through, we sacrificed time together at the beginning of this so you could finish school. Your mother and I decided that doing that is the best decision to make again now that you're going to be in college, we make those decisions together. So don't take it out on your mother. We always want to make sure your okay, our decision is not changing. But don't you speak to my wife like that ever again, you understand me" Donald said sternly

"Yes dad" Barron said, with true forgiveness in his tone

"Once you decide to get up and he a man and talk to your mom, then we'll talk" Donald told him

Donald walked out of his sons room to his and Melania's room

"I'm tired, you want to take a nap" He asks Melania

"Yes. How'd that go" She asked

"He'll never talk to you that way ever again, I promise" Donald put his arms around her

"You yelled at him" She said, slightly surprised

"No, just a good talking too. I told him to never speak to my wife that way ever again. I said you were mine way before you were ever his and if I don't ever tolerate the media or strangers I don't even know speak badly about you, you bet your ass I'm not letting my son get by with it" Donald said

"You're the best, i love you" Melania kissed him

"I love you, no one ever fights with my girl" Donald kissed her long and slow, till they heard a knock at the door

Barron walked in "can we talk" He asked softly

Melania motioned for him to sit with them

"I'm sorry ma, l was being so stupid. Just because I was having a moment doesn't mean I can ever talk to you like that. I know you and dad made this decision just because you love me and always want to make sure I'm okay. You do what you do because you love and I know that and I love you for it. It's not always easy, but you keep us both grounded and dad made me realize that" Barron smiled

"It's okay, I love you too. I love both you boys so much" Melania smiled

"We're lucky to have you baby" Donald kissed her cheek

"We are" Barron agrees

"Never again, right Mr" Donald gave him his dad look

"Never again dad, I promise" He said

"We love you very much" Donald smiled

"We do, so much" Melania added, smiling

"I love you both so much, more than you'll ever know. With all the things you do for me while making so many of your own sacrifices i promise you it never goes unnoticed. No matter if I have a bad day or not. You both amaze me" Barron smiled

Hey everyone, this one is short and sweet, I have so many chapters that have to get posted, I just haven't gotten around to them but i promise they'll all be posted within the next day or two

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