Beautiful Easter

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Melania woke up fairly early on Easter Sunday, she decided she was going to get out of bed and wash her face and get back into bed for a while and cuddle with Donald.

So Melania slowly gets up off the bed, trying to not wake Donald because this is the first day in a while he's gotten a little more sleep then usual and Melania felt bad for him.

Although, unfortunately Donald did not sleep much longer, within seconds his eyes opened.

"Im sorry I didn't mean to wake you, you needed your sleep" Melania smiled at him from the bathroom mirror

"Your sweet, but I can't sleep without you, I felt you move" Donald admitted, getting out of bed

Donald walked into the bathroom, wrapping his arms around Melania

"Awe We can go back to bed so you can sleep a little bit, I just wanted to wash my face first"

"I like the sound of that"

Once Melania was done washing her face she had stood there for a minute Donald wanted to throw her off the track a little bit, so he wrapped his arms around her and picked her up in one gracious swoop

"Woah baby whatcha doin" Melania smiled looking down at him

"Taking you back to bed" Donald smiled, placing Melania down on their bed gently then getting back into bed himself

Melania actually has been wanted to ask Donald a question since yesterday, so she figured right now was the right time

"Hey I have question" Melania asked

"Hit me with your best shot, baby girl" Donald smiled, looking into her bright blue eyes

"I know Easter dinner isnt until later, but do you think dinner tonight could just be the two of us, I just feel like we need it recently and I just want to be alone with you" Melania said sweetly but honestly

"Say no more, I just want you baby, I don't need anyone else. It's gets crazy with some other people anyway, I just need you" Donald said, kissing her passionately

"I don't need anyone else ever. I love you baby" Melania smiled softly, kissing his bare shoulder

"I love you more"

Everyone has just been relaxing all day, but once it hit five in the evening both Donald and Melania started getting ready

Melania was almost ready she was just putting her jewelry on when talked walked Jo behind her in the bathroom

"There's mu beautiful girl" Donald said giving her a sweet kiss

"Thank you babe, you don't look too bad yourself" Melania kissed him back, rubbing his shoulder

"Here I'll do that" Donald said, while moving Melania's hair to the other side as he saw Melania struggle trying to be her necklace on

"Thank you love, now I just have to put my rings on"

"No I'll do it" Donald smiled taking her rings off the counter

Donald took her hands, sliding her ring just like he did 18 years ago, putting it where it has always belonged

"Much better, Mrs Trump" Donald smiled so softly intertwining their hands that fit so perfectly together

"I have a lot of pride and love putting that ring on your finger again, I should do it more often" Donald kissed her

"Your so cute, you can do it whenever you want. You have me wrapped around your finger forever. I love you so much" Melania smiled wildly just feeling so lucky

"I think we should go now" Donald said

After a while Donald and Melania just sat by themselves enjoying dinner together, talking about everything something they knew they both truly needed. Just loving the entire time, not caring who was around across the room

At one point Melania just kinda gazed off, just looking around the room so naturally she caught Donald from the corner of his eye

"Your such a sight for sore eyes beautiful" Donald smiled, looking at her

"Thank you baby"

After a while they were both ready to go.

Once they got home, they both got ready for bed. Like usual Melania climbs into bed after Donald after getting ready for bed. She usually wears the same thing every night, leggings and one of Donald's T-shirt's

"Man, I love seeing you like this" Donald admired

"What are you talking about" Melania asked

just you, no makeup, in bed with me, in my T-shirt. Your always stunning but I just love you" Donald kissed her softly

"I love you so much, you are truly so sweet" Melania said teary eyed

"I just wanted to tell you again, how much I truly love you, but I want to make sure you know it regardless of how many times I tell you in a day. Baby, you are my rock, my everything, everything I'll ever need or want, I want and need you and only you always, we've been through so much together and that's one of the things I love about you, you know your life and our love you never let it effect you. You take care of me and make sure I'm level headed each and every day, I get out of bed each and every day and take on this craziness because I know I have you by my side, I couldn't or wouldn't ever want to do this life without you, you have me wrapped up forever. I truly love you so much my girl"

Now Melania was really crying, not knowing what to say with his sweetness

"Baby, this is the you I love most, the one others will never see. I will always be by your side fighting with you and I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else. You truly do amaze me every day, the reason it never gets to me is because I know you better then anyone and as much and you say I'm your rock, you'll never know how much you are mine, your my best friend and my forever, half of everything we've been through is because we can do it together, it's just us, what we're meant to do. Us against this crazy world, you and me forever and always, I love you more my love" Melania said crying tears of such love  while Donald loses her long and slow, enjoying the beautiful moment

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