Barrons Secret

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I thought this story would be a funny one, for your entertainment purposes only.

Each day was coming to an end like it always does, Donald comes home from work and Melania gets Barron from school and usually Barron talks to Melania on their way back home but today he didn't which Melania thought was a little strange but didn't think much of it

Once Barron gets inside he said hi to his dad

"dad can you come here a sec, I gotta talk to you" Barron asked walking to his room

"Coming" Donald answered

"What's up, B" Donald asked, walking into his room

"close the door, im gonna tell you but you have to promise you wont kill me, but most importantly, you cant tell mom she cant find out" Barron said seriously

"Uh oh, i dont like the sound of this, but i promise"

Without saying anything Barron just moved his shirt from his neck, revealing the small red mark

"Woah, that was not what I was expecting you to tell me or show me. my man, look at you, just like your daddy" Donald joking

Barron starting laughing, "Dad this is so not funny, what do i do, if mom finds out shes gonna kill me and you since you know about it"

"i'll think about it for now, when we sit down for dinner just have a sweatshirt on, when did this even happen, it didn't happen in school did it" Donald asked

"oh no, this was last night when i was out, somehow im that good and hid it from mom today"

"well good, at least your not that gross, good move" Donald laughed

"I cant handle you" Barron continued laughing

Finally everyone sat down for dinner, Barron changed into a sweatshirt like Donald told him too

"so barron how was your day" Melania asked

"Oh you know, nothing new" Barron answered, slightly looking over at his dad

"why do you have a sweatshirt on, its not cold out" Melania asked

"im cold, i just wanted to be out of my school clothes" Barron responded quickly

Everything had been going smoothly, Melania hadn't seen anything but that was about to change

As Barron go up to put his dish in the sink, then he went to sit on the couch next to his dad and Melania was walking next to him to sit down too, but for a second he forgot it was there so he kinda plopped himself down making the sweatshirt move out of place and little, but just enough to show his hickey

"Barron, what is that" Melania asked, finally seeing it

"What is what" Barron questioned, trying to avoid it, Donald looked over at him going to atempt to save him from this

"you know what it is, and i know what i saw, what made you think that that was okay" Melania grew upset

"Mom, its really not a big deal, it's not like i did anything else" Barron answered, looking at his mom

" babe, did you know about this" Melania asked looking at Donald, clearly getting angry

"I plead the fifth" Donald responded, nervously laughing, Barron chuckled

"I know you did, why wouldn't you tell me that you knew" Melania asked furious

"Babe, relax its not that big a deal and it's tiny and i didn't say anything because Barron and I both knew this was how you were going to react" Donald said truthfully

"as i should, this is not okay, your only 17 Barron now i'm never going to believe you when you tell me about doing things and girls because i'll never know if your telling the truth. i love how you both think this is funny, well you know what you wont ever see that girl ever again" Melania snapped

"Ma, you cant be serious, nothing happened, dad help me here this is crazy" Barron looked at his dad clearly upset

"Melania, no one said this was funny but things happen and he's 17, he is growing up it's truly not that big of a deal, he's not doing anything else to a girl, but to completely cut him off from this girl just because of one small hickey is not fair" Donald said defending his son

I cant believe you two, i cant look at either on of you right now" Melania didn't say anything else she just walked away

"told you she would be mad at both of us" Barron said quietly

"Yeah well, i will talk to her later" Donald answered

Finally later on it was time to all get in bed and for Donald to talk to Melania, but first he went to check on Barron

"Hey, you doing okay" Donald asked his son sitting on his bed

"Yeah im fine, but please talk to mom i dont want her upset with me" Barron said quietly

"Barron she isn't going to be mad at you much longer, im going to talk to her. but i want you to know im not mad at you and im very happy that you knew you could come to me and tell me, i will always be here regardless" Donald smiled

"Thank you dad, yes i know. but i also want you to know truly that nothing else did happen, that was it. and you know i would even do that now, i just want you to trust me" Barron looked at his dad in the eyes

"Barron, i trust you i know nothing else happened, but this, this was small things do just happen its natural your getting older" Donald hugged his son

"I love you daddy" Barron said embracing his dads hug

"I over you more buddy, now im going to talk to your mom"

Donald went into bed, Melania was already laying down

"Can we please talk about this, I don't want you upset with Barron or with me" Donald said quietly as he said there next to Melania

Melania just started bawling crying

"Hey, why you crying" Donald asked sweetly, facing her

" I know it's not a big deal and I didn't mean to be as upset as I was with either one of you. It just breaks my heart to see my little boy grow up, where did my baby go. I can't do it. I know soon that my job of being a mother will be over and seeing that earlier just showed me even more that the time it's getting closer" Melania said through soft cries

"Oh baby, our parent jobs are far from over whatsoever, yes, barron may be getting older, but he's still gonna need us forever and I think you know that but I think you just don't want to see him grow up. And I understand that because believe it or not, I miss Barron being young and it breaks my heart just as much as a break yours, but we're going to get through this together, I know it. I love you always and forever mama" Donald held her, kissing her long and slow

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