The Apple Core Left A Seed In My Palm And It Grew

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Glued to my lush palm is a wired husk
Conniving little guy he is,
Telling the Universe of my plans for world domination.
He's the younger brother with a brain
Big as a hangnail.

What purpose do thy serve to me,
Bright, blinking voice?
My lush palm recognizes your sweltering heat
Before it feels the morning breeze.
I awake with you there
  I sleep with you there
     I fuck with you there
         I cry with you there
When does your tempered glass shatter my temper?
I input my severed heart and
What do I receive in return?
Winter coats
Pretty plants
A million trinkets I'll never need shoved down my throat
Every word, a ploy for my Father's credit card.
Money spent for speed
Sluggish ethernet cable,
Slithering blue lightning
This isn't what Comcast said it would be like.
Reminders that I am not
Blond and benign
Nor rich
Nor hetereosexual
Whilst claiming to adore my colorful love
I know you don't.

It was that fiber-optic salamander that birthed a monster under my bed
I was never afraid of the movies,
Always what would reveal itself from the white veil Google Search wears.
Never so pure,
Those AT&T cords under my house were
Binding my wrists and my pelvis together
Left hand under my waistband
Right typing jitters.
Where was McAfee when he sent me that link?
Where was it when I clicked it?

A pink case doesn't hide your motive.
Steel scoundrel
Made In China, fake as the American Dream
Often I kiss your artificial warmth,
Pretending there is a body inside,
Perhaps a lover,
Or the Mother I always wanted.
Motherboard...; Silicon Sister...
A family I write
To lie with at night.
Mothers are not metal
Nor traitors who trap you and
Shackle your lush palm to its backside.
It's not him who has the abandonment issues,
It's me.
I open you,
Scroll for 3 seconds,
Close the app for 5,
Then proceed to open the same app and scroll for another 10.
If I set you down
You reach at me with your metaphysical arms
Until you're attached to me again,
My vines covering your

Frame, becoming one with me.
No moment throughout the day without
In my ear
On my thigh
By my side
In my heart
Your malware likes the way it feels inside of me
Viruses of its kind are not used
To having a human host.
Always, a Must
To drown out any original thought
(for fear they might meander into bad
With a song
A voice
An idea
A lie.
You didn't think I was oblivious to your falsery, did you?
A.I. can never learn
A mortal's tendency not to hate its own submission.
There is peace in that staticy voice,
Familiarity in the 3 LTE bars,
Comfort in the sound of plugging you into your charger.
A vitality.
A life I kept alive.
For we all know my hands could crush you to glass and rock.

I despise you, Captcha and all.

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