Closing Remarks

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Hello my loves!

I apologize for never updating this story. All these years later and I feel guilty for not providing closure.

The ending to "Until They Can Return in Peace" matched up with the ending to "The Hidden World." I finished that story as the movie was still in theaters! I started "Night Light Brigade" immediately following. I knew I wanted to do this sequel before even finishing the first book!

With that being said, this story was written BEFORE the Night Light names and genders were revealed. And even before the Snoggletog short with Hiccup and his family.

I know no one means anything by it, but I am aware that the names and genders in my story don't align with canon. Which is okay, it's my fan fiction!

However, I am someone who embraces canon and uses it quite seriously, unless what I am writing is purposefully an AU fan fiction.

I have decided that between being canon, and providing quality stories to you all, I am discontinuing "The Night Light Brigade!"

I am so sorry I let many of you down. I am ever so grateful at how well "Until They Can Return in Peace" has done and how much you all love these characters. These characters have had a special place in my heart for a long time.

Don't worry! I'm not leaving for good. Life is wild but my heart for expanding on beloved characters still stands strong.

Love you all! Best wishes! ❤️

Night Light Brigade - {Sequel to "Until They Can Return in Peace"}Where stories live. Discover now