Chapter 3 - Zephyr

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Eclipse lands in front of the Great Hall and I jog up the steps.

The drop off took longer than I thought. I tried to help Lillian bond with a couple of the dragons, then I ended up in a swarm of baby Deadly Nadders licking my face.

I open the doors to find my mom standing in a circle of Vikings I recognized partially.

"Sorry I'm late, I got caught up with...", I speak up but I couldn't finish my sentence upon recognizing the Chief and Queen of Berserker-Defender Island themselves.

"Mala! Dagur! It's so good to see you!", I run unprofessionally and hug them.

"Gosh Zeph, you are so grown!", Dagur smiles.

"And beautiful!", Mala adds.

"Thank you", I smile and bow before her.

"And you remember Gunnar don't you?", my mother steps in, lifting a hand.

A tall, muscular, strawberry blonde-headed boy turns around from speaking to Uncle Eret.

His wild eyes were blue and deep with a Berserker spirit that, if I'm not mistaken, was deranged in a good way.

Flashbacks begin to roll into my mind of simple times where he, Lily, Nuffink and I would play in our room as our parents would talk battle tactics in the living room.

"Oh yeah! Hey Gunnar, how have you been?", I ask him with a warm, Haddock smile.

"Pretty crazy with this dragon thing happening!", he chuckles.

"I know right. It's been insane trying to learn how to ride one", I say exhaling deeply.

"You're riding already?", he gaps with big eyes.

"Uh, yeah?", I say shocked at his question. His parents DID ride dragons right?

"Oh. I just... I'm just..."

"Oh Gunnar, a Berserker doesn't get scared", Dagur butts into our conversation.

"No. But a Defender has a respect for dragons", Mala raises a finger.

"Yes, but...", he tries to speak up.

"I think it would be good for Zephyr to show her fellow-future-chief her dragon and possibly how to interact with one", my mom swoops in to save the day.

"Good idea, come on Gunnar", I say taking his hand, not really knowing why I did.

"So you're close to being chieftess huh?", he asks as we walk with Eclipse to the training grounds.

"Eh, I may have another year or two. I'm only 19. What about you?", I say lifting a hand to pet my buddy.

"I'm 20 now. Some days I feel like they could hand it off tomorrow, and some days I feel like I'm a kid again, not knowing anything", he says picking at his nails.

"I get that too... especially with learning how to handle dragons...", I sigh.

Eclipse growls from his throat and shoots me an irritated glare.

"Not you Eclipse. You're okay, the others are hard to handle", I giggle petting him. He purrs again deeply with a thin smile.

"Yeah... I guess that's where I'm at... How did you bond with him? Was it difficult? Did he choose you? Is it scary to fly? I'm sorry, am I asking too many questions?", Gunnar begins rambling and my head begins to spin.

"Whoa whoa, just... let me show you", I say as we jump down in the dirt pit that has the walls lined with tools and saddles for training.

Over in the shady corner, I recognize a black and white fury watching us sleepily from his spot.

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