Chapter 1 - Zephyr

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I AM AWARE THAT THE NIGHTLIGHTS HAVE NAMES AND GENDERS OFFICIALLY. I WROTE THIS BEFORE THEY RELEASED THAT! Please be kind in the comments and let them be how I have them in the story. I'll change it all eventually

- k.r.


Today was an interesting day.

I finished my last day of Chieftess lessons, I schooled my uncle Snotlout in a duel, almost won against my mother and her axe, and I taught a class at the school on Dragon's Edge and how my father saved the lives of many dragons and allies along the way.

I also am about to ride my dragon for the first time.


Is this real life?

Of course it is!

Peace has fallen all across the Archipelago the last decade.

About a week ago, everyone in my household was awakened by the sound of heavy steps on our roof.

The scratching and pounding noise could only come from one creature, and his name is Toothless.

My father was astonished and so happy to see his old bud; and old is right. Not incredibly, but the wrinkles beside Toothless' wide green eyes resembled my father's very well.

He must have known Toothless' dragonese because the night fury was basically begging to come back.

I suspect it was an instinct of theirs to know if there was any uprisings up in the world above them.

Thus the Return Migration from the Hidden World began and the dragons returned to their respective islands.

Including ours.

New Berk has a "nostalgic flare", or at least that's what my Grandper said.

Oh my grandpa Gobber... he's getting older and crazier by the day. But he's still kicking it like an old yak in a green field.

Unfortunately, speaking of old and crazy, our dear healer Gothi passed away last year. Her purple Gronkle was quite heartbroken upon the discovery of her deceased rider.

My dad made sure that she got put into the hands of someone who would take good care of her.

Surprisingly my auntie Ruffnut has taken a liking to mixing potions and giving it to people.

I pray to the gods I won't ever get sick. That just scares me...

Now theres another matter; it's been 20 years since dragons roamed our lands and been in harmony with us.

Not many of us know what to expect or how to handle.

I am quite nervous myself, but being the chief's daughter and direct descendant of the so-called "Dragon Master", I know I must take on dragon riding with full confidence.

Being 19 years old, I am very close to being handed over the throne of New Berk. I thought I had all the lessons, knowledge and strategies figured out to become Chieftess when my father deems me ready, but now the dragon thing has thrown me through a loop.

"Zephyr, hun, can you hand me that cloth? I need to polish my saddle", my mother snaps me out of my ten minute mental trance.

"Oh yeah, sure mom", I toss it to her.

Her blonde hair was as long as her thighs now. It was braided beautifully in the back of her head and all the way down the back of her leather skirt

Night Light Brigade - {Sequel to "Until They Can Return in Peace"}Where stories live. Discover now