Chapter 5 - Zephyr

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"Zephyr, do you think I'm good enough for the... team?!", Gunnar asks frantically as he follows Eclipse and I out the large wooden doors.

"Of course! You're a future chieftain after-all", I proudly step down. Eclipse's head is dorkishly held high as he trots down beside me.

Before I could blink, a large tail whacks me in the back of my head, sending me face forward into the wooden deck.

"OWWW! Eclipse! What was that for?!", I say getting up, holding my eye.

But I can't help but burst into laughter at the sight of my clumsy dragon struggling to get off his face too. He must have tripped while he had his eyes closed.

"Zephyr! Are you alright?!", Lillian is soon to my aid, along with Gunnar and Nuffink.

"Ah, yeah... I think my eye is swollen...", I say hissing at the sting.

"Oh my gods! That's ugly", Nuff says and I punch him in the arm.

"Fef... that looks bad... you should go see my mom..."

Ah Thor... I didn't want to do anything that would require me to pay my aunt a visit, but it's come to that.

Eclipse looks up at me and if his blue eyes couldn't get anymore dramatic, I almost feel my heart split in two upon him looking at me.

He pouts ferociously and purrs unsettlingly.

"Oh, boy, it's okay! Just a little bruise. No big deal", I go and hug him.

He licks my cheek gently; it hurts, but I don't let it show.

"Seriously though Fef, you should see it...", Lillian pulls a little mirror out from her satchel.

"Oh come on it can't be... *GASP*", I can't believe my eyes.

My whole right eye is swollen, and there's a gaping tear on my cheekbone.

Oh my god's it's going to have to be stitched shut.

I begin to panic a little.

"Dang sis, that's a shiner. I'd be proud", he says in a snarky tone and I whack him side the head.

"Yeah... lets go to your place", I say trying to hold the blood from gushing out of my face.

"Come on Glimmer!", she pats her legs.

"Glimmer? LILY DID YOU...?!", I say completely dropping the dramatic moment I just had.

"Oh yeah! Found her in the woods! Isn't she beautiful?", she says petting the very light gray Fury.

"Yeah.. I've never seen a dragon like that before. I'm sure you're dad will have a field day", I chuckle.

She wildly giggles, "I KNOW RIGHT?! COME ON!"

She pulls my hand and the whole teen and dragon crew follows closely behind.


"What a shiner, Zephyr", aunt Ruffnut says as she cleans the wound with a cloth.

"That's what I told her!", Nuffink shouts from his spot at the kitchen table and I roll my eyes.

"AH! No movement. That includes sassing your brother with your eyes. I know from personal experience that it's hard to resist", she chuckles to herself.

"Okay! So, she's gray in color, she has purple eyes, she can camouflage like the light fury, but she doesn't have the same tail shape as the light fury", I hear uncle Fishlegs from the living room. He's probably got a thousand books around him at this moment.

Night Light Brigade - {Sequel to "Until They Can Return in Peace"}Where stories live. Discover now