Chapter 8 - Nuffink

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*Author's Note*

Haha! Sorry everyone! I passed out asleep writing this last night! There was a long line of "eeeeeeeeeeeeee"'s when I woke up! And I wasn't feeling so good the last 24 hours! Soooo sorry! But here you go! Excited about this story!

- k.r.


My vision was slightly blurred as I rubbed the exhaustion from my eyes. The weakness of my inflamed chest made it difficult to breathe as I struggled to sit up.

"Agh. What happened?", I hold my head as I try to gain the strength to stand.

I look all around me. There's a vast forest surrounding and the trees climbed higher than a Terrible Terror. Or... I think so. Not too sure on the details of dragons quite yet.

Wait. Dragons.

"Dawn?", I say beginning to panic.

"Dawn where are you?!", I shout. I continue to spin in circles as my eyes scour all along the surrounding greenery.

Funnily, I hear a dull moan that matched her usual tone I've come to know so well.

She croons as I see her white head pop out from behind a large fallen tree. Half of her body still lay transparent.

Whoa, she definitely has the powers of her mother.

"Hey girl, are you okay?", I ask laying a gentle hand on her chin, pulling it up to look into those bright turquoise eyes.

She growls in pain as she tilts sideways to reveal a large cut in her neck, trailing under her saddle.

"Oh Dawn... I'm so sorry girl. This is all my fault", I say now remembering the earlier events. I feel horrible that the Edge was in flames. There must be something that the Night Light Brigade could do, this is why we built the team!

I help take the saddle off of Dawn and she whimpers as I barely touch the vibrant red gash. I have no clue to what has caused this, we were dealing with fire.

"Dawn we gotta figure out where we are", I say holding the heavy leather in my arms.

I begin to walk but I feel a tug on the large seat.

Her baby eyes are begging for me to stop, "Oh I'm sorry girl, you need more time to rest?"

She growls and yanks the saddle from my grip. I grow nervous as I don't really know how to handle my upset dragon. Not to mention that her being hurt enhances that.

But... remember what dad says.

Trust your dragon.

"What is it Dawn?", I carefully approach her. She gives me a sweet face and tries to put her saddle back on.

"Dawn... you're hurt. That will irritate it more", I say.

But I think I know what she wants, "You want to fly?"

She gives me such a whimper that makes my heart spin and my laughter emerge.

"Okay, but just until we can get you some help", I say scratching the nook of her jaw bone. I decide to hold the saddle so it wouldn't rub against her wound. We take to the sky and I have to hold on tightly as to not fall off of my dragon bareback.


We fly for about an hour until Dawn's ears perked up. She gurgles deeply in curiosity as her eyes dart left and right.

"What is it girl?", I pet her head.

She then croaks a mild, yet loud call down below us.

Moments later, a sound of the same pitch was heard. Without notice, Dawn dives through the thick clouds and an island of familiar landscape comes into view.

"Berserker Island!", I sat in awe of my brilliant dragon.

I peer down on the dense forest and I recognize two night lights.

Dawn continues her dive until we reach the siblings and their riders.

"Oh my Thor! Nuffink!", Zephyr runs towards me.

"Sis!", I wrap my arms around her waist.

"I was so worried... where's mom, dad and Dusty?!", she asks with moist eyes.

"I... I don't know... I woke up on some far island and Dawn was injured. I have no idea what's going on", I say.

"Oh Nuff we have to get her looked at as soon as we get home", my sister gently pets Dawn and examines the wound.

"What was that sound that the dragons made?", Gunnar comes over. He and I knock wrists in greetings.

"I'm not sure... like I said, I don't know what's going on. But I do know that this dragon issue has gone too far", I say with my hands on my hips.

"The night lights must have some sense and sound for whenever they need help or looking for one another", Zephyr says deep in thought.

Eclipse purrs happily upon my sister's touch, "He's a smart boy"

"But Nuffink is right, all of this has exploded way out of proportion; no pun intended", Gunnar states.

"Yes. Guys, now is the time. We need to strategize and come up with a plan, a base and execute tactics accordingly", Zephyr now has her journal out.

"Are we ready?", Gunnar asks, now doubting himself.

"Absolutely not", I say.

They both shoot a concerned and confused look at me.

"We may not be ready, but we're Vikings. Since when are we truly ready for anything? We go with what we've got and do our best", I proudly stick out my chest.

My sister gives me a reassuring smirk and Gunnar nods in agreement.

A wave of bravery has hit me and I have no idea where it came from, but we must protect our homes and do our parents justice for all the time and energy they spent part of their lives fighting for.


Night Light Brigade - {Sequel to "Until They Can Return in Peace"}Where stories live. Discover now