Chapter 2 - Nuffink

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"Shhhh Dawn! They're going to see us", I whisper to my girl.

Her bright eyes curiously looking all around for a sign of her brothers and my sister.

She gurgles at me questionably.

"GOTCHA!", Zephyr leaps off of Eclipse and tackles me to the ground from the cliff above my head.

"ZEPH!", I scream at her angrily.

"Zephclispe one, Duff ZERO!", she laughs and Eclipse chuckles from his throat.

"Duff?! What nut is that?!", I hear our uncle Tuffnut coming up the hill we were playing hide and seek on.

"Haha, the newest members of your family!", Zephyr is now belly laughing and leaning against her dragon for balance.

"Now there's nothing wrong with that! Sis! Lily! We have new nuts in the family", he calls and Zeph hits the floor she's laughing so hard.

I feel my pale cheeks go beat-red as I see the tall blonde, curvy Lillian Ingerman walk up with her mother close behind.

"Meet Nuffink and Dawn, also known as Duff. Duffnut", he says and I want to crawl in a boar-pit and die.

Oh wait, it's uncle Tuff, he'd find me in no time and embarrass me in front of his niece over and over again.

"Hey Lil!", my sister goes over and gives her a hug.

"How's riding going, Fef?", she asks petting Eclipse's nose.

Lily used to call Zephyr "Feffer" when they were little and "Fef" just stuck as a nickname.

"It's good! Have you picked out a dragon yet?", she asks her.

"No... my dad insists on a Gronkle, and my mom and uncle are taking me out here to try to convince me a Zippleback is best", she rolls her eyes.

A single rider on a Zippleback? I shake my head the logic that comes from those twins.

"What do you want?", I go up and ask her.

"Oh I don't know... I really want...", she begins.

"AH! NO! Don't say it! You're not allowed to have that one!", Ruff calls from her spot on the grass with Barf.

Lily rolls her eyes dramatically.

She motions for us to come close, and we huddle in a circle.

"I want a Razorwhip. But... apparently with dad's past, mom's temper and that poor Heather girl... it's just not ideal for them", she whispers sadly.

Oh, HER dragon won't be ideal for THEM?

Makes sense.

I can see the look in her ice blue eyes go from admiration to discouragement.

Before I can speak, I hear a roar above our heads, scaring us slightly due to still getting used to these creatures living among us.

"Hello Chief!", Lillian greets my dad. His face is barely seen through his long beard now, but a smile is clearly on it.

"Hey guys, hows the first couple weeks of training going?", he asks jumping off Toothless and scratching his chin.

The Light Fury is soon behind them and she goes to greet our Night Lights.

"Lillian... still no dragon?", he asks her.

"No sir... my parents..."

"I know... they still to this day confuse me. Why don't you take the remaining Night Light, Dusk?", my dad offers her.

Night Light Brigade - {Sequel to "Until They Can Return in Peace"}Where stories live. Discover now