Chapter 6 - Nuffink

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*EDITED! I goofed on the names... thanks Emily for pointing that out!*

The morning was crisp as the sun attempted to warm me through my bedroom window.

I groaned as I stretched my arms above my head until my shoulders popped.

I am urgently greeted by my anxious Dawn as she leaps through my window to kiss me good morning with her slobbery tongue.

"Ah! Good morning to you too missy. Ready for an early morning exercise?", I ask throwing my blanket off of me.

She happily leaps and growls as I go to put on some warmer clothing and slide on my winter boots.

The leaves turned long ago and we anticipate snow any day now.

But these kinds of mornings don't bother Dawn and I, for we get to go out before anyone else wakes up and train for the Night Light Brigade that my sister put together a month ago.

My mother used to do this with Stormfly when she was first in the Dragon Riders. I figured that this was the best option to be prepared.

"Okay girl, go out in the shed and get your saddle, I'll be right down", I whisper, nudging her out the window again.

I quickly and quietly go down the stairs to the kitchen. I grab a muffin from the bread box on the counter after I fill my water jug and throw it into my satchel.

"NUFF!", I hear a harsh whisper that startled the muffin out of my hands.

I turn around and see a dirty-blonde little sneak come into the kitchen.

"Dusty... you should be in bed...", I glare at him.

"I know... but I couldn't sleep! I want to go riding with you! I still can't have my own dragon yet...", he begins to pout and the stern side of me wants to punch him in the head to go back to sleep.

The other part of me feels for the little guy, he is the youngest of three, we are much older than he is, dragons have returned, and our older sister is about to be chieftess! There hasn't been much attention on him.

I fight within my falling and rising chest.

"Okay... but you have to do as I say and no telling Dawn what to do!", I say wagging a finger.


"Shhh!", I throw a hand on his mouth.

"Sorry... lets go!", he pushes me and I roll my eyes.

Dawn is eagerly sitting in the dead grass with her saddle by her tail.

I go and pick up the shiny leather and place it on her back.

Dusty goes on the other side of my dragon with his hands behind his back. He anxiously bounces on his toes as I pull the straps to tighten on her neck.

I can't help but give him a humorous grin as I continue to make sure everything's set to fly.

"Excited much?"

"Yeah... I just want my own though...", he traces his toe on the ground and I go over to him.

I lay a brotherly hand on his shoulder, "Ypou will soon buddy. Just make sure you prove to mom and dad that you can handle it. I'll put in a good word today"

I wink at him as I hoist him onto my girl's saddle.

I pull myself up to sit in front of him and he holds on to the folds of my leather padding.

"Hang on! We've gotten pretty fast...", I shoot a wild glance before Dawn takes to the sky.


Night Light Brigade - {Sequel to "Until They Can Return in Peace"}Where stories live. Discover now