Chapter 10 - Nuffink

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I DID IT!! I wrote another chapter!!

****!!!*****LISTEN TO ME***!!!*******

Please read this. You're reading? Good.

I have decided to keep the names and genders for the Nightlights. IM AWARE OF THE CANNON NAMES. If you try to correct me, I will delete the comments. This is my fic and I've fallen in love with the dragons I've created. I am continuing this from over a year ago.

So with all respect to the franchise from me, please respect my choices with my story. It is a fan FICTION!

Haha I feel bad for being crass but people kept commenting and it got excessive.




Another month has gone by since Zephyr, Gunnar, me and our dragons set out to find a base for our dream of being "The Night Light Brigade". The search for a new base took the whole amount of 4 hours when Zephyr led us right back to Dragons edge.

I remember that afternoon like it was a reel in my mind over and over. The remains of the demolished Edge were still tragic to see, but we found another secluded area on the other side of the island.

The few dragons that live in the area were a few feral Hobblegrunts and Zipplebacks that warmed up to us quickly.

We referred to the spot as "Brigade Base" and there were a few huts and a clubhouse. The clubhouse actually has the same metal roof that our parents had on Dragons Edge. We managed to recover it from the debris.

"Nuff come over here and help me!", I hear my sis call.

"What...?", I groan from my comfortable place on my hammock. Dawn snoozed from her very own stone in the corner of my hut.

"Just come here", she's screaming now.

"Get Gunnar to!! He's good at that!"

"HEY!", I hear him shout too.

What the thor....?

I lazily get up from my comfortable position and go to open my door. Down on the beach I see scattered tools and pieces of leather all over the sand. Gunnar is on a large wooden box standing with his arms out like a crazy person. Zephyr is busily looking up and down at the garment he wore. It wasn't until I got closer that I realized...

"ARE YOU MAKING ARMOR!?", I ask now jogging.

"Yeah! I think we've accumulated enough scales", she says.

"Well, you didn't mix them up did you? Dawn's are different from Eclipse and Dusk"

"Uh oh", Gunnar says a little too quietly.

Exasperated, I shoot him a glare.

"Gunnar did you mix them!?", Zeph stands back.

"I... uh, uh... yeah? I couldn't tell! They all have white!"

"But Dawn is the only one with camouflage scales! My suit has to be only hers!", I punch his arm.

"OW OW!", he cries as I realize he also has pins all over his body.

He deserved it.

"What are we gunna do!?", I throw my arms in the air.

"Chill, Nuff. Just have Dawn fire at the pile of scales and the ones that don't disappear aren't hers", she calmly replies as she continues to work on her project.

Night Light Brigade - {Sequel to "Until They Can Return in Peace"}Where stories live. Discover now