Chapter 9 - Zephyr

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Mom and dad were safely home in New Berk upon our arrival. There was a certain sadness that hung over their fur capes as they embraced us in the Great Hall. Glad to see us alive, but broken as the sight of their long time hideaway being burnt to the ground.

Dad aged another year in his eyes as mom did her best exhausted self to comfort him. They still have much life under their belts, but they aren't as young as they used to be. Watching my Grandper grow older as well has really struck me with the reality of how old we are.

I will be 20 in a few short weeks. This is right around the time that the dragons left for the Hidden World all those years ago. I am soon to take the Chieftess position and Nuffink will be right behind me in support.

I imagine Gunnar isn't far behind as well; he is older than me so he should be inheriting his throne that much sooner.

"Guys... this is serious", my dad comes over to where the Night Light Brigade is seated. Our dragons lie behind our spots at the table.

"I know dad... I'm so sorry", I say trying to give him an ounce of hope in my plans.

"It's not your fault, Zephyr. But I can't fix everything. I've come to learn that fact over my many years, especially now that you are soon taking the cape from me. It's up to you guys to solve the problems of the archipelago and beyond. Lead us further into the future"

My father and Chief has great emotion and a stoic gleam in his eye. He trusts me, but he's still cautious as to what is happening to his home.

"Dad. We're going to fix this. We are going to have a base set up on the far north side of the island. Away from the trained dragons and Lily Ingerman can easily report to us as needed. Our plan is to use our Night Lights to prove that dragons don't have to be destructive, but to get along with all walks of life", I state. Along with confident nods from Gunnar and my brother.

Dad lightly holds my chin and kisses my forehead.

"You're a Haddock. Protect your own and you will always find a way"

A sense of pure assertiveness fills my bones as I glance over at my Eclipse. He coos upon my nodding in his direction and licks both of our faces,

"Alright gang lets go!", I say running for the doors.

"Sounds just like you", I hear mom whisper to dad as she links arms with him.


"No! Nuff, the medium beams go in the center for the clubhouse! Not on the left with your hut!", I scream from the back of Eclipse.



Night Light Brigade - {Sequel to "Until They Can Return in Peace"}Where stories live. Discover now