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For once in y/n's unfortunate life, fate seemed to be on her side as the weather was nice, her uniform was devoid of a single crinkle or crease and her makeup was flawless. The only thing left now was for her friends to arrive, at least then she wouldn't look like an antisocial loser on her phone during homeroom.

As she waits patiently and decides to slip in her AirPods, she can't help but pause her music when noticing Scaramouche and Kazuha walk into the room, the indigo haired male seeming irritated while the other male beside him simply remains calm and tries to soothe Scaramouche.

"Relax, it's probably just another girl who's interested in you texting you." The calmer male states nonchalantly while taking his seat.
"You're not fucking serious are you? This is different, this bitch is weird. I'd block her but I'm going to find out who it is and personally humiliate them for wasting my time." Scaramouche seethes, his hands clenched into fists and his teeth gritted while he takes a seat in his chair and huffs.

It's quickly made evident to y/n what their conversation was about: her...Scaramouche didn't sound happy, perhaps she should be a little more straightforward with him the next time and make it seem a little more serious so that he knows she's not intending to annoy him...

However, it seems she had been a little too careless with her eavesdropping because Kazuha looks the girls way and flashes a smile. Y/n briefly smiles back before Scaramouche raises a brow and turns to look at who his friend is looking at. He scoffs and quickly turns away before resuming their conversation, but this time about a different topic.

'Did he just scoff at me, that little shit!' Y/n thinks angrily but quickly dismisses the frustration bubbling up inside of her. It doesn't matter, what matters more is that her crush is a little more irked rather than amused by her anonymous texts.

Y/n sighs when forced to put her phone down after tweeting something on twitter, her phone now on silent and put deep into her pocket as the sound of music fills her ears while the boring drawling of the teacher continues

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Y/n sighs when forced to put her phone down after tweeting something on twitter, her phone now on silent and put deep into her pocket as the sound of music fills her ears while the boring drawling of the teacher continues.

Within the boredom, she finds herself staring at the side profile of Scaramouche, who is in the row in front of her sitting a few seats to the right. Staring at him was the one part in the day where she felt giddy, as creepy as it sounds.

He was a cruel person, y/n was aware of that much. He had rejected many girls and fooled them with his angelic appearance, only to brutally rip the facade away as he showed his true colours...a cruel and cunning person. Despite this, she feels herself drawn to him, drawn in by the sense of rudeness he carries. This 'crush' had been going on for a few years, maybe it wasn't something silly as she had tried to tell herself, it was an unresolved feeling that she felt obliged to solve.

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