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It had officially been a week of no contact with Scaramouche, no entertaining conversations, no playful arguments, just pin drop silence from his end. While it was fun while it lasted, y/n also felt alone now. She had nothing to look forward to. It's like her entire world had crumbled apart, but not because of just anything, it was him and his demeaning words.

He had called her annoying, ugly, and desperate. Sure, he had teased the girl for it but none of those words were taken to heart by her. They were merely meaningless insults casually thrown around. She feels stupid knowing the snark that laced his voice every time he spoke was real. It wasn't banter, it wasn't playful, but perhaps that's just what she wanted to believe it was.

Understandably, it's been rough for her. Her emotions and feelings have been a rollercoaster ride so far... Y/n was excited that she finally had the one boy she'd been crushing on for so long in her grasp, only for him to walk his way out. Was the vulnerability he'd shown just a play? No, it was definitely real, but y/n regrets listening to someone so selfish as him...yet she can't bring herself to fully hate him.

The human mind is weird, and the heart that the body can think with is even weirder. How could one possibly love someone who has hurt them. It sounds so complicated but it's actually quite simple. Y/n feels happy despite her bad moments with that boy. He showed her attention that she'd been craving from him for years. It was so easy for her weak heart to beat so rapidly at the thought that the indigo haired boy was letting down his walls for her.

It was a stupid moment of hope, a sliver of an old and nearly forsaken idea of been given the chance to be needed by Scaramouche had ignited a flame in her. But alas, the flame was fragile and it had been dimmed over yet again, but by his ignorance, his crude behaviour, his iron walls...him.

It seems that even her friend had noticed this, because they notice y/n's unusually quiet behaviour and less bubbly personality. They all aware of what happened despite her not telling them. Heizou had let it slip and she was just relieved. At least then she won't have to tell and recall all the embarrassing memories from that day. Nobody talks about it, but the information lingers in the air like thick fog. The canteen seems so crowded and stuffy, but she can't run away from on her friends either.

"So I was thinking y/n we could go shopping tomorrow hm?" Kokomi asks softly, her hands reaching out for her best friends shoulder and bringing her out of her trance.

"Ooh good idea! Besides, this will get your mind off that...ugh." Lumine is unable to finish out of disgust before shuddering at the thought of that man's name.

Y/n only stares at them blankly and gives them a faint nod, although she doesn't show it she is glad that none of the boys are here, she needs her female friends and their support and calming aura.

The school day is agonisingly slow, and it's almost like the world is punishing her because every corner she turns, Scaramouche is there. She can only stare at him like a lost puppy while he hardly even notices her presence. But, y/n knows it's not true, he knows that she is there; he is too stubborn to look at her, acknowledge her existence and give her that satisfaction.

By the time the next day has arrived, the h/c girl feels drained, but it would be even unhealthier to stay cooped up inside and avoid going out. So, she begrudgingly gets dressed into her black wide leg jeans, a red off shoulder top with a graphic design and her usual shoes. The outfit was layered with silver jewellery and a small but very intricate and detailed hair clip in her opened hair.

As y/n walks to the mall, she finds herself dragging her body along, like a zombie. The walk is long and she trudges her way there tiredly, but her mood is brightened slightly upon seeing the giddy girls. Lumine is the first to talk.

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