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With an exasperated sigh, Y/n decides to finally let go of her phone and return to her schoolwork that has become neglected in the presence of her phone and texting her friends. Yet, no matter how hard she tries to focus, she's eventually just absentmindedly writing in her book and not actually processing the information.

This is because her mind keeps wandering back to one thing, which is why Scaramouche was even staring at her? She knows she shouldn't ponder over it for too long, it was probably a disgusted stare, or one that he was doing simply out of curiosity. Despite the constant reassurance of her friends telling her that he looked like a puppy while staring at her, she doubts it.

There's always a different explanation.

Her train of thoughts are interrupted by a certain blue haired male, he steps confidently in the direction of her table and sits at the seat directly across her.

"Y/n, you're in my usual spot, good choice." Dottore speaks quietly with a smile on his face that could be described as sinister.

"Huh, this is my usual spot too!" Y/n responds with a smile, ignoring the occasional glances from other students in the library, it's only because Dottore is near her.

"Really? I've never seen you here before...anyway, how have you been? Ever since that science project I haven't had the chance to speak to you."

"It's been..." she tries to find the right word for the mess that's been created in her life as of recently. "Chaotic"

Dottore's grin only grows creepily wider, for someone so cunning he doesn't hide his expressions. Or perhaps that's around Y/n, who doesn't seem to be very wary of him like other people would. Is it naivety or kindness?

"I've heard, but don't worry, I'm not here to pry. I have no interest in that brat anyway."

She giggles, immediately understanding who he's talking about. It's funny hearing people call Scaramouche such names because they're so accurate. But also because the azure haired male in front of her is one of the few people who aren't afraid of talking bad about people to just about anyone.

"Brat? I've never understood your relationship with him, one second you're friends and the next you're enemies!" In all honesty, most people probably think the same. Scaramouche may not like to be associated with Dottore, but they're actually both kind of strange in their own ways.

He looks up at the ceiling thoughtfully, trying to find a way to describe, his vermillion eyes are striking in the well lit library, the bright lights only accentuate that unfamiliar look in his eyes.

"I guess we're just acquaintances, he benefits me sometimes and I benefit him..."

"I always thought you were an odd pair, but that makes sense now."

"Ouch, your words wound me, you're just like everyone who else thinks I'm odd." Dottore says stoically, his eyes meeting hers once again, though the smirk playing on his lips tells her that he's not entirely serious about it, it's a joke.

"Oh shut up, you knew what I meant."

They both giggle before they're engulfed by a comfortable silence, Dottore opens his mouth again to speak, but the sound of firm footsteps and a smooth voice speaking interrupts him.

"What're you doing here?"

"Kaeya, relax I was just speaking to him." Y/n tries to reason, but she knows her friends don't particularly like Dottore, or anyone from the Fatui, which is why they weren't fond of Scaramouche either.

"You're the same as always..." The lighter blue haired male scoffs at Kaeya, but he makes no threatening move that would alarm him either, he simply sends Y/n another glance, a way of saying goodbye before he leaves.

"What have I told you about hanging out with the Fatui, haven't you learned from Scaramouche?!" Kaeya's voice rings in her ears, he's too loud for a library but nobody bothers shushing him because the sheer amount of amount of anger in his body language is enough of a sign not to.

His words are harsh, though they come with good intention, it doesn't look like it and they're quite hurtful too. Y/n lowers her head before eventually looking up to meet his eyes, her own e/c eyes are filled with a frustration that makes him suddenly regret his actions.

"Shut up, I literally only talked to him for a few minutes, you're acting like I'm best friends with him!"

The mistake Kaeya made is more obvious, he takes a step back and now takes on a more relaxed stance, though he is still on edge.

"I-I didn't mean it like that...but Y/n-"

"No, you don't get to tell me shit and shout at me! I know he's not a good person either, but it's not sensible to tell him to 'get lost' now is it?"

"I know, I'm sorry for that, but it's just...do you really think he's your friend? I mean surely if he was he wouldn't be so supportive of Scaramouche."

Nothing that Y/n's close friend is saying is registering in her mind, to her, it sounds like Kaeya jumped to conclusions and screamed at her while he is currently trying to justify his actions.

"I don't give a shit if he supports Scaramouche or not, because I'm not even his friend like that, he simply approached me!" She spits back. "Or would you rather I told him 'no I can't talk to you because you're apart of the fatui' and then have those assholes up my ass?!"

It's clear who's in the wrong here, and with a bow of Kaeya's head, he admits defeat, looking at Y/n apologetically. "No you're right, I'm sorry."

"Whatever." She huffs and starts to gather her books as she walks away, at that exit, she spots the familiar tuft of indigo hair. Scaramouche is standing there on his phone, presumably texting with the way his slender fingers are aggressively slapping his screen.

Much to Y/n's dismay, he notices her and pries his eyes away from his phone.

The bitter memory of Kaeya bringing up him up just a few moments ago leaves a sour feeling in the girls mouth, instinctively, she scowls and begins to walk away with her bag now on her shoulder.

Scaramouche stands there completely baffled at what just took place. Why had Y/n just given him a dirty look? What was the meaning of that? Did she see him staring or was she just thinking about something else?!

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