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The girls might've left but the tension between the two didn't go unnoticed by Heizou and Kazuha. Although Heizou decides to stay quiet and comfort y/n, later Kazuha can't help it. He can't help seeing his friend hurt himself and another person yet again, this simply isn't healthy.

While the rest of them are still conversing around the fountain in the mall, Kazuha ushers Scaramouche to go to the food stall nearby act like they're getting a snack, at least then they'll be out of the groups vision. Scaramouche tiredly complies, but only because the encounter with the girl was enough to make him uncomfortable, he needs to get away.

As they walk away, Kazuha is the first to speak, his soft words hold a sternness to them and it surprises Scaramouche. He's never seen this firm side of his close friend. "So you and y/n aren't talking anymore, huh?"

This whole conversation is a little confusing to Scaramouche and it's only just begun. He hasn't told anybody about the situation between him and y/n, and the only other person who could've known is Heizou...did he tell Kazuha? The questions race through Scaramouche's mind and he quickly finds his entire body boiling with anger.

"What, did Heizou tell you? That bastard..." he trails off and continues with his thoughts, unconsciously pushing his thick, indigo hair with his hand. This gives his friend the opportunity to see his eyes, and it's obvious he's been troubled lately. Those pretty matching indigo eyes swirl with a mix of emotions, all of them seem to be pessimistic...it is Scaramouche after all.

"No, it's not that hard to tell, but that's beside the point. What happened between you two?" He asks curiously, but not to pry, to ease Scaramouche's mind.

The scowling male senses no pity nor any ill intentions in Kazuha's eyes. Disregarding his nagging behaviour and annoying philosophical words, the boy does seem to care about Scaramouche deeply.

"Nothing really, I talked to her about my life and then I kind of regretted it..." he admits aloud, staring at the disappointed eyes gazing back at him.

"So she listened to you and you didn't like it?"

God, now that someone's said it to him, he really did sound like an asshole...but it's not like that! The wording used was just...overly blunt. At least that's what Scaramouche tries to convince himself, even though there's a voice nagging him in the back of his mind. A small bit of his rational side, the tiniest part of him that screams at him to have some humanity tells him he's wrong. But, Scaramouche is stubborn and he sees no wrong.

All he did was stop talking to her, right?

"Don't make me sound like an asshole...all I did was stop talking to her. It's not like I committed a crime!"

His defensive stance and words confirm Kazuha's thoughts, Scaramouche has definitely done something wrong.

"You're lying."

"No the fuck I'm not?"

"You are, so tell me what happened."

Scaramouche lets out a sigh. He hates that look on the blondes face, that look of displeasure on his face that looks so scolding.

"I stopped talking to her after I opened up about Ei and Raiden, then she asked me how I was the next day and I told her I didn't need her to pity me and not text me again..." Kazuha's jaw nearly drops and if he hadn't controlled himself, he would've started screaming at the emotionally dumb person in front of him.

"You blew her off, that's even worse!"

"Listen, I don't care. And honestly, I don't need you to nag me because I know it seemed like a bitch move, but I didn't wanna be friends with her...or anything else." Scaramouche arrogantly claims as he starts to walk away from Kazuha and out the other exit to avoid being seen my his group of friends.

Suddenly, his phone vibrates as he leaves the mall and he looks down, only to huff in frustration. It's just one idiot after the other

ginger 🤮Scaramouche Did u block y/n?

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ginger 🤮
Did u block y/n?

You people just keep bothering me
one after the other

ginger 🤮
Answer the question man 🤦‍♂️

Yes I fucking did
I would have never spoken to her
if I knew her stupid friends would
harass me so much

ginger 🤮
No one's harassing u
I just wanna know what the point In talking
to her was if u were gonna cut her off

I wasn't planning it relax
But now that you mention it I'm glad I did

ginger 🤮
Ur so difficult idk how she even liked

Maybe you should talk to her about it
instead of annoying me
Communication is key!!

ginger 🤮
Yk that's ironic coming from u
Considering u blocked her

Are you done whining?
Can I continue with my day?

ginger 🤮
No actually u can't
Listen man idgaf ab who u talk to
nor is it my business
But don't fuck with my friends 😐

Don't worry u and ur friends
can fuck off
I have no intention of speaking to
her again
Or you actually

ginger 🤮
Ur a dick
I hope u get played the same way
u play people
U think ur so smart but ur not
Ur such a fucking loser
Y/n never should have listened to u
and ur problems

The fuck did you just say to me?
What did that bitch tell you?
And shut the fuck up I know you ain
talking when your always spouting your bs

ginger 🤮
Don't call her a bitch you
garden gnome

Shut your mouth you mutated
Fucking escaped lab experiment
Don't make me jump your family
Bunch of ginger clowns

ginger 🤮
Stfu and stop
U can get back at me but what r u gonna
get back at y/n for
Answer me
For fucks sake

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