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It's been a while since the two teenagers have met at this spot, the last time resulted in an unexpected and somewhat rushed departure...now both of them clutch their clothes hoping that it'll end well this time for them. But, both wish this for different reasons.

As the sun's decent becomes lower and colours of pink, orange and blue melt into eachother, it casts a shadow over the park that the pair are sitting in. The two of them are sitting in their swings, the female rocking back and forth on the swing to ease her mind and the male letting his thoughts consume his mind whole.

"What are you thinking about?" The h/c girl is the first to break the silence, it's the expected outcome since she wasn't the one deep in her thoughts. By the sound of her soft voice, Scaramouche is bought out of his thoughts and back into reality.

"Hm? Oh my guitar, I'm thinking of getting a new one." He lies, gritting his teeth and looking at the ground where the fresh grass is below his feet. That's far from the truth, his mind was clouded with thoughts of his family, Y/n and himself, but mostly thoughts why wondering he even proposed the idea of coming to this wretched park.

Y/n's mouth opens a little in surprise, her eyebrows raising and showing an expression of shock. "You play guitar?"

"Yeah, why're you shocked, do I not seem like that type of person?" He says, almost snapping at her.

Thinking of it now, Y/n could imagine Scaramouche playing his guitar in a dimly lit room with nothing but a candle illuminating his room. It fits his edgy personality. "Actually, you do."

There's a pause.

"I use to play the piano, but then I lost interest and stopped." This is yet another lie between the two, though it's not entirely a lie. Y/n did play the Piano, but then when her brother was at the age where he was able to walk, he slammed his hands down onto the keys which made the entire piano rattle. It shook the entire thing and unfortunately the fallboard on the piano was loose, so it slammed shut on his fingers.

The entire ordeal made Y/n's mother furious, and out of anger she sold the piano to one of her friends and the hobby ended there.

"Why'd you stop? How stupid, you could've gone somewhere with it!" The difference between Scaramouche and Y/n was that Scaramouche was careless with his words and threw them around like they were lighthearted comments...unknowing of the weight they carried.

Scaramouche is passionate about his music, he doesn't know the entire story, but quitting so easily just sounds pathetic to him. Well at least it sounds like that in his selfish brain.

"I dunno, I guess it just wasn't for me." Y/n smiles, and for a brief moment, the sun is shining on her face, lighting up all of her features and making them glow. Scaramouche stands watching her eyelashes flutter shut to shield her eyes from the sun, her nose scrunches up slightly in the process and even her hair shines in the sun. It's truly an ethereal sight that Scaramouche is mesmerised by.

He snaps out of quickly, shaking away those thoughts and forming a crooked frown on his face. "Jeez, do you think you're in a movie or something?" He teases, squeezing the water bottle in his hand out of habit, but it instead squirts on the girl beside him.

He to cringes at his actions and is about to apologise when Y/n laughs lightheartedly and takes out her own water bottle, playfully slashing some water on him.

"Hey, I did that on accident that's not fair!" He whines when the cold water makes contact with his warm skin and perfect looking hair.

"Well too bad, you should've said that before-" before y/n can finish, there's a squirt of water directed her way, some of it entering her mouth while she was talking which causes her to cough and ready her own water again.

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