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After a few minutes of Scaramouche contemplating whether he should play his electric guitar, he decides to. There's nobody home, Ei is at work...obviously while Raiden is out hanging with her friends. It's funny how she's allowed to do it and he isn't.

It's been a few minutes since he started playing, his hair messy and in his face while his bangs cling to his forehead from the sweat. The amount of effort he was putting into playing the guitar was admirable. But of course, it was Scaramouche's passion, he loved music, it's one of the few things that lets him escape the world for a little while, entering into a peaceful serenity of his mind instead of the usual hell and worries he keeps bottled up in his head.

Suddenly, the door is thrown open and Ei barges inside, the sound of his door being slammed into the wall is enough to break his concentration from the electric guitar in his hands. Scaramouche is panting when he looks up into the eyes of his furious mother.

"Where is my daughter?" She seethes, her voice laced with venom and an amount of malice that the indigo haired boy knows he won't be sheltered from.

"How would I know." He answers back with the same amount of spitefulness in his tone. This seems to anger his mother.

With a swift moment, she snatches the guitar out of his hands and smashes it into the wall. A strangled cry leaves Scaramouche's mouth, but he's obviously too late to stop it, as he's left to stare at the broken pieces of the one thing that bought him peace. Of course, it's destroyed by the person who only brings him mental anguish.

"Do your duty as an older brother, and take care of your sister! You know she is not allowed to go out at this time!"

'Stupid Raiden, why couldn't you just tell her that you were going out...now I'm blamed for your actions again...' he curses himself in his head

The tears stream down his face, his eyes wet and glossed over with tears and he looks up at the tall woman standing in front of him. "Do your duty as a mother."

The weeping Scaramouche scrambles to get up and rushes past Ei, wiping his tears away as best as he can, he stomps out of the house only to see his sister entering the house, oblivious to the storm that had brewed just moments earlier.

"Next time, tell that bitch where you're going, I don't wanna take blame for your shit." He spits at her, leaving Raiden confused but hurt at the same time.

Wandering around aimlessly sounds good, but the wind and the memories come flooding back into Scaramouche's head, he finds his legs guiding him to an old park that the maids would take him to as a child. Just as he's approaching to sit on the swings, he notices another figure, a girly one.

'Great, someone else is here. Whatever.'

He takes a seat on the swing and lets himself be rocked back and forth. The old metal squeaks slightly, but the sound is comforting in the silence of the night.

"Scaramouche? Is that you...?" A familiar voice speaks from beside him. He turns his head to meet the eyes of the one and only y/n. Well isn't this just, fucking great?

"Huh? Oh, it's you again." He mutters after realising who is speaking to him. He tries to keep his sniffles in but the dim street light slightly illuminates the place, and y/n is no stranger to recognising the puffy eyes and sullen look that Scaramouche has.

"Are you okay, what's wrong?" She asks calmly, her voice soothing and her eyes narrowing in worry, yet Scaramouche finds himself growing angrier. Why was she always so annoying, she just has to show up at the worst times!

"Can you just shut up, I preferred it when you weren't talking."

He is not ready to open up his heart to a girl he doesn't care about, he's spent years closing off his walls and building his tough exterior. Why would he let it all crumble because of one stupid girl that he wants to play?

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