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The dreaded day has arrived, going back to school and facing Scaramouche in her homeroom and lessons while he now knows who the Unknown user texting him is. It's a little humiliating to y/n to know she gave up and revealed herself to him so easily, but it really was a lot of pressure! She might've never got to know him and have another chance again!

Y/n sits at her table quietly, waiting for Kokomi to arrive so she'll have someone to talk to. She reached into her backpack while humming in the fairly empty classroom. There's only two or three other people in the classroom.

As y/n sits upright again with her AirPods in hand, there's a loud slamming sound, and then a persons very slender, pale hands and fingers come into view. It's Scaramouche. He glares with an eyebrow raised and lip curled in disgust.

"Found you." He whispers to not attract the attention of the other students in the room, they've been startled by the loud sound.

"I-...I thought you only knew me by name." The girl stumbles over words and manages to choke out within the intimidating presence of the boy looking over her.

"I asked that moron over there." He signals with a tilt of his head to a boy fiddling with his fingers at the front of the class.

Y/n lets out a sigh and breaks the intense eye contact she held with Scaramouche. It may seem a little pathetic, but Scaramouche was a scary person. He had always stuck to his words, his threats and humiliated people verbally and physically. He's not really a bully, but he shouldn't be tested either.

"God, you're uglier than I had imagined. Why am I always unlucky?" He says loudly but mutters the last part and furrows his brows.

Y/n feels her cheeks heating up and looks away slightly offended. She has never doubted her looks or been insecure, but the harsh gaze from the boy she likes and the cruel tone is enough of make anyone feel self conscious about themself.

Luckily, Kazuha walks into the room and immediately begins conversing with Scaramouche, he notices y/n and gives her a wave but the indigo haired male shoots him a dirty look and drags him away by the arm.

At that moment, kokomi walks into the room and sits down in her chair beside the h/c girl.

"What's up with you? You seem upset." She states worriedly and reaches forward to grab one of her friends hands tenderly.

"He confronted me-" before she can finish, the bell rings, indicating that homeroom is over and it is now lesson time and they must part ways now. Besides, it's their History lesson, and y/n has a strict teacher who always complains about punctuality.

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