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The weekend went by unsurprisingly fast, just as they always do and before everyone knew it, they were back at school to get their education. The first lesson for Y/n was art, she's already in the art classroom with her chirpy teacher who's placing a bowl that has an assortment of sweets on her desk.

As the people start rolling into the class, they're all quick to take their seats and partner up for the portraits. Y/n glances around nervously when there's no sign of her agreed partner, Albedo. The only other person without a partner is Scaramouche, just great.

She planned on just ignoring him and avoiding making eye contact, but the art teacher walks by and guides the two of them together, unknowing of the sudden annoyance brewing in the h/c girl. "Hey, the two of you don't have partners, why don't you pair up?" She suggests happily.

"Oh, Albedo and I agreed to be partners." The art teacher looks around for any sign of Albedo, and when she doesn't spot him, she raises an eyebrow and sighs.

"It doesn't have to be permanent." And with that, the woman walks back to her desk and allows the students to get started.

With a frown, Y/n takes her seat in her chair and adjusts her canvas in front of her so that she can see Scaramouche and sketch at the same time, he does the same and uses the situation to observe the girl closely and very shamelessly.

The staring makes her want to avoid eye contact even more, but the silence between them is deafening despite the sound of the other people in the class chattering loudly.

"So, I guess we did end up partners after all." He lets out a dry chuckle, a fake one too at that.

Y/n merely responds with a hum while the indigo haired boy tries to use all of the art techniques that the teacher had taught over the year, he's not very good at painting or drawing though it does seem like a relaxing hobby.

Upon staring closely at Y/n eyes so he can sketch her, they make eye contact but she quickly looks away. After staring for a few moments, he begins to draw on the blank canvas again.

Scaramouche has never understood why the social butterfly in front of him was so liked by everyone. Was it because of her easygoing personality and ability to draw people in with her humour. Or was it perhaps because of soft smile and e/c eyes that matched her hair so perfectly-...

He stops his thoughts automatically but can't help stealing glances at her. Sure, Scaramouche was no fool and he admits those times he'd called Y/n ugly were simply to get under her skin. It wasn't actually like that...in fact, he thought she was rather...pleasing to the eye...

At least he tries to tell himself that's all it is and nothing more.

Scaramouche confidently flicks his wrist on the canvas to make a light stroke with the pencil, his eyes menacing stare never leaving the girls. "Do you like art?"

"Yeah, I guess. It's relaxing." Y/n curtly answers, she tries to ignore his lingering gaze. She doesn't understand Scaramouche and his strange attitude definitely doesn't help with it, he's strange.

"I guess that's expected, you seem like an artsy person." He thinks aloud, not really bothering to even consider his words.

She furrows her brows at that and focus on the painting, but of course Scaramouche notices and smiles to himself. "Stop frowning I'll have to draw you some wrinkles."

"Stop talking, I'll have to draw some shit in your mouth."

Scaramouche nearly gasps, it was rare for the girl to snap back at him so quickly, and even when she did it was never this aggressively. Oh, had he taken it too far? Was he messing his plan up?

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