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The thought of Scaramouche was something distant in Y/n's head by now. After three long weeks of tiring homework from her school and her two best friends constantly being over, she's had no time to spare the boy even a thought.

Even right now, the three of the girls: Y/n, Kokomi and Lumine are gathered at Lumine's house. As night time is approaching very quickly, the trio decide to do their skincare and get ready to be comfortable while having their girls night.

Y/n stretches her arms above her head tiredly, carrying around that stupid backpack of hers had given the girl back and shoulder pain, her aching limbs need a massage...

Lumine is currently brushing her short, blonde hair in her mirror while Kokomi is still doing her skincare. They're doing such mundane tasks, yet Y/n can't help but admire them. It's brings a smile to her face, knowing that her friends are so supportive of her during her hard times.

Out of boredom, she the (h/c) girl picks up her phone out of boredom, as soon as her fingers tap the screen, the notification on her Home Screen catches her attention. Upon opening her phone to check who it is, she lets out a loud gasp and nearly drops her phone. This obviously catches the other girls attention as they turn to stare at their friend worriedly.

"Guys, Scaramouche texted me!" The words seem to disbelief even her, she stares back at the phone, as if it's playing tricks on her. But, as Kokomi and Lumine approach with their eyes wide...it's confirmed that it is not a prank, but reality.

Whether is a good or bad one is undetermined to Y/n.

"What the fuck, Scaramouche unblocked you!" Lumine is first to speak and as she moves the phone in her friends hands closer to her face, she raises a brow.

Kokomi gulps down the uncertainty in her throat, looking back at the text and then at her friend, who seems just as perplexed. "Why would he do that? Was it an accident?"

Y/n is almost offended at the girls questions, did they think she was that much of a loser?! But then again, it is very out of character for such a hard headed, stubborn person like Scaramouche.

"Forget that...shall I respond." That uncomfortable feeling builds in y/n's throat as she tries to gulp it down, but that uneasy feeling resides within her still.

"I say it's a bad idea...you just got over him." She seems firm with her words, but question of why Scaramouche is doing this swirls in her mind.

Kokomi and Lumine both look at each other with frowns on their faces. They both know one thing, it is very rare for Scaramouche to act so...irrational...

Lumine speaks up again. "Actually...I think you should find out what he wants. There's no point in trying to ignore this because you know you won't be able to, just face it instead but seem reserved so he doesn't get the wrong idea."

The blonde haired girls words echo in Y/n's mind. Did she want to know what Scaramouche wants? Would it provide her with closure? Is it better to ignore him to avoid getting hurt? Would he stay...?

With a deep breath, she picks up her phone and opens up the message with an unsure expression. She doesn't know whether she still likes him after all of that, but surely that tingly feeling in her stomach means she does...

 She doesn't know whether she still likes him after all of that, but surely that tingly feeling in her stomach means she does

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