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With Scaramouche's new found hyper fixation and uncanny motivation to make Y/n's life a living hell, it's started to attract the attention of his friends, or well Dottore who isn't very pleased at his lab partners lack of attention towards their current project.

Taking off his goggles and sighing, he looks at Scaramouche who notices the intense gaze of the blue haired males eyes. An intense curiosity glints in his vermillion eyes as he analyses Scaramouche, it's quite creepy actually...like he's about to choose to the next victim for his science experiment.

Scaramouche forces himself to break eye contact first, he couldn't take it any longer, Dottore's fierce look was enough for him to want to leave the class.

"Why're you staring at me you freak?"

Dottore merely frowns, his sharp canines on display at he tuts at the shorter males behaviour. He swears he'll lose it if Scaramouche zones out one more time, he might just brew up some kind of acidic solution and pour into his eyes so that he doesn't have to watch his 'friend' stare at the wall with that pondering look. "Clearly something is wrong, even a fool could see that lovesick expression on your face."

"It's not a lovesick expression, Professor Snape." Scaramocuhe bites back with his usual snark, at least now he isn't daydreaming about whatever with that extremely punchable face.

"Shut up with your Harry Potter references. I'm not into potions, I'm into human experiments...and your behaviour would be the perfect subject."

Scaramouche almost gags at the azure haired males expression and cringy words. It's some kind of twisted interest and he'd hate to be his next victim. Despite being acquainted with him, it's hard to stand next to him, which is why Scaramouche doesn't usually admit he's associated with the 'doctor'. "Keep it in your pants, you rabid animal."

"Could this be because of y/n? I've heard that you stopped talking to her recently" Dottore's grin is sly, he is a cunning individual and he may seem reserved at first glance, but his sadistic nature and prying remarks could get under anyone's skin, which is why people usually keep their distance from him.

"I don't need you interfering with my business Cedric the sorcerer."

A vein in Dottore's forehead starts to bulge as he grips his beaker tightly, almost breaking it with the sheer amount of force he's using. "For the last time, I'm not a wizard, I'm a scientist!"

"Cedric is a sorcerer actually." Scaramouche doesn't actually know the difference between the two, but he'll sure as hell say anything just to get under his lab partners skin. A chuckle escapes his throat but to Dottore's pleasure, he begins to help with the work.

"That's the same fucking thing!"

There's a silence between the two for a minute, the only thing being heard is the rest of the class chattering about the work or about things that have nothing to do with the lesson.

"You know, I would advise you to keep her close, even if you dislike her. It's best to keep your enemies close, you never know when they'll be useful...besides...y/n is different." The words coming out of the taller males mouth shock Scaramouche, it nearly makes him drop the equipment he's using. It's almost impossible to get Dottore to remotely even like someone, sure he could take a weird kind of interest in someone; this was different. He was genuinely complimenting the girl.

"Why does everyone care so much?" He bitterly mumbles, not understanding why so many people seem to be so invested in the matter now that it concerns y/n. Was she that likeable of a person? Was she that easy to talk to? Was she relatable? What was it that pulled everyone in?

His thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the Chemistry teacher announcing that she needs to leave to take a call. This is Scaramouche's cue to sit back down on one of the chairs and take out his phone from his pocket.

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