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Chapter 3

The sun was still scorching outside. The salty smell of the sea made me want to go back to enjoy the waves, but I chose to explore more of the island first. I only put on denim shorts and rode the bicycle.

The island was huge. The villas were indeed far from each other. Privacy was really a priority.

It feels unreal to hear birds chirping while the wild plants also remain untouched. I have been around the city for more than I could imagine. It made me ignorant of what was around me. While exploring, I also saw a dock and a pathway to the summit which I promised to explore soon.

I didn't have anything today so I decided to explore the island. Their food this morning was all good. I was pretty satisfied. It also started to sink in that I am in vacation mode. With this kind of life, I might take that one-month vacation seriously before starting a new project.

The island was full of fun activities that I hadn't experienced, too. I will in the next few days for sure.

I was biking and calmly putting myself to enjoy the scenery and nature when someone popped out from another direction and hit my front wheel.

Luckily, I was able to hold still. I press on my break. Put my feet on the ground to assist my weight and the bicycle. I almost fell to the ground. But I instantly cursed, "Holy mother of nature! Watch where you going!" I said when I was regaining my balance.

"Omo! Omo! Omo! Gwaenchana!?" I heard someone panicking and a bicycle hitting the floor.

The guy who hit me for whatever reason that is was the same person this morning.

My brows furrowed and I instantly frowned at him. "You, again?" Surely, my brow raised at him while I was fixing my posture.

He had this shocked embarrassed face once again.

"Are y-you o-okay?" He sounded sincere at the same time shy as I know I sounded a bit angry when I asked him.

It was the same guy.

"Are you sure you are not following me?" I asked him again.

His timid eyes were not meeting mine. He lowered his gaze at that time while answering, "A-ani. N-no."

"That our my villa over there," he added, pointing out the villa at the end of the pathway where he came out.

It calmed me down. Maybe it just so happened that he came out while I was passing by his villa. So, he came from the farthest villa and he reached mine this morning? That was too far from here.


I was about to drive again when...

"Oh my god!"

My heart almost jumped out of my chest. I was frightened and immediately jumped out of the bicycle. I was shaking a bit. I got scared.

"They are normal here. Signages all around the place. They were saying to stop when they pass by as it was this is their natural habitat and we can't disturb them," I was busy staring at the walking animal.

"It's gone," he said and that was the only time I realized that I was in his back and I was peaking through his broad shoulders while looking at the monitor lizard that was passing by slowly.
I was actually holding his shirt while hiding on his back as if he could protect me. But he was unmoving.

I made a distance abruptly. "Sorry," I said after that awkward moment.

He only gave me that small shy smile. Is he really that shy?

"I am sorry for hitting you," he said while I was comfortably pulling the bike up to go again.

I stopped and looked at him. "Hmmm. So, you do talk," I said.

"Ye," he answered shortly once again. "Are you really okay now?" he asked again.

I looked at him and his intimidating and sometimes cute eyes were staring at me. "I am now. But next time, learn how to check on directions," I instructed him.

The hamster-like guy nodded. "I will."

"Okay. Bye!" I said and cycled again.

I reached a part of the island where there was a dock. I heard that there were also islands nearby. Some of the islands could be visited. You can snorkel and even camp there. However, some were privately owned and could not be visited. Maybe, I will try to go some time.

I continued cycling more and saw this vast area where some people were playing golf. Some were doing outdoor activities. Indeed, the island is full of entertainment. Huge trees were covering some of the activity areas providing a cool shade to the people underneathe. Mother nature at its finest.

That would be great, but I will try sometime.

I stopped at one point and just looked at the waters. It was beautiful. Very clear and it was scenic.

I then decided to go back to the restaurant. I placed my order in advance so I was able to eat immediately when I arrived.

While I was devouring my food, suddenly someone approached me. "Miss Bree?" when my head turned and checked for who called me I was shocked. The next moment, I was booked to do something somewhere and would be meeting a ton of people I would be working with in the future.

This was not part of the plan.

Why did I even agree with the team-building activity?

I wasn't expecting myself to say yes as fast as that. It was so random, but seems like they will really need me.

"...Aaliyah Brielle Samonte," She was introduced to the crowd.

" She will be working with you guys on your next projects so be good to her."

Aaliyah facing new faces in front of her was normal. It has been part of her work since she entered the dance industry. However, she was extra nervous that day especially when she saw a familiar face in the crowd looking at her intently.

Aaliyah tried smiling at the guy, but the guy seemed off as he reverted his gaze, humiliating her.

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