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Chapter 5

Upon cue, Soonyoung exerted all his energy to run along with his teammates. Bree was a bit worried since she knew that she might be a little weighty for him as she was a tall girl. However, she was fired up, too. Her competitive energy was fired up, too.

"Are you okay?" It was a lame question, but Bree still shot.

Soonyoung nodded at the lady. Gladly, they were only running for two minutes up until they reached their first station. It was fast. Brielle was able to use her feet for the challenges as it was also part of the rules.

"Are you sure you are, okay?" Brielle's fifth time to ask about it. She was concerned because they all teased him when she came down. Soonyoung actually looked so red, and Brielle also saw it. "Gwaenchana," Soonyoung repeated and abruptly averted his gaze from her.

"But you look so unwell. Why do I have a feeling that you are going to faint?" Brielle had asked in concern. She was afraid because she had seen her students work so hard on the dance floor, turning pale or red and then suddenly fainting.

She just doesn't want it to happen to Soonyoung for some reason. Brielle decided to tell April that she would be carried next instead. However...

"Aniya! 괜찮아 (Gwenchana). 진짜 (Jinjja). I am alright. Seriously," Brielle was even shocked to hear that.

"Oh. 그래 (geurae). Okay," Brielle agreed in the end. It stunned everyone as she spoke their language. She smiled at such naiveness.

Station 3 - their first station. They have a task to transport ping pong balls to the bucket through broken pipes. It was a bit long since the group consisted of more than five people. And the distance between the bucket and the starting was a bit far, too. Your consistency as a group will be challenged.

Before they started, Seungcheol's natural leadership showed out. The members listened attentively to him, and it was amusing to watch for Brielle. She was observing them carefully as it was also her first time to meet and be with them. And soon, to also work with them.

Work etiquette is very important for Brielle so, she was taking the opportunity to know them while she had the chance to. Brielle was fascinated as to how Seungcheol made them listen to him. It was not easy for someone to stand as a leader. Not all eldest can handle the big task, but Seungcheol surely proved himself.

"The arrangement here doesn't matter. What matters is the angle of your hands while passing the ball and how fast you move. Let the ball roll freely. We will do it in calmness. Once the ball rolled out of your pipe run as fast as you can to line up again. We will do it in a straight line to save time. Ready?" their leader's fast thinking was amazing.

Aaliyah Brielle

We lined up randomly. Seungcheol still leads the team then April is beside him. I don't even know who came next, but all I know was that I was beside Soonyoung throughout the game.

We maintained a balance of competitiveness and calmness. We were focused on one thing – finishing the game in one take. Thankfully, we did.

The next station was given by the staff after we finished the task. Then we also used the power we have. It was given to both of the teams – the power to take a glimpse at how much time they already spent and on what station they were currently at and the power to pull back the other team, which means tying two persons from the other team.

We took a glimpse at where are they currently and found out that they just arrived at their first station. They struggled to look for it. Seungcheol even made one restriction – to tie two persons from the other team. All of them agreed to tie Jeonghan and Yanika when April suggested it.

Something was wrong with the two, actually. And I also know that something is going on between Leadernim and Angelou.

"Hop in," Soonyoung immediately offered when we were done, but I refused. "No. You rest," I asked him. I was still worried. He was still a little red.

"April, you do it," I looked at April. She glared back at me.

"Come on. Hop in," Seungcheol told her. But she refused, too. Now is the time we may begin to argue. I was stunned when Soonyoung came towards me and kneeled to offer his back. As a competitive person by nature, I had no choice but to do it. I can't let the team be delayed.

I glared at April again and she was scowling all throughout our journey to the next station – Station 4.


Passing through the cobwebs was the next task given to us. It was good at first since The8 was the first to go since he was flexible. He went through it smoothly. Then I came second as I was still supple as far as I know. Soonyoung came on third and he also passed by easily. I stopped him by holding his head gently for a moment since it was about to hit the web.

"Thanks," Soonyoung said when he finished.

I smiled at him like I never called him a pervert. Then it became a little harder when the taller ones came next. Mingyu was a little challenging for all of us since he was the tallest and also a little heavier. Wonwoo was trying to command and guide us while transporting him. Unfortunately, even when we were careful, he touched one of the webs.

We had to repeat it again.

Seungcheol was a little panicky at this point. However, April was controlling him. She told him to relax and to trust all of us. At this point, April was the one trying to give us direction. It was more relaxed and a little more organized after she took over. April is always blazing, but she's very calm right now.

Fortunately, we were able to pass Mingyu safely. We proceeded to the next guys which were Wonwoo and Vernon. Everything was flowing greatly at this time. Then Seungcheol told April it was her turn.

"I'm a little heavy and don't dare flop me on the other side," April reminded Seungcheol who was left with her on the other side.

"It's okay. Trust me," that's it. Seungcheol's response for me was meaningful. He was even gentle with carrying April.

Ahm. Something is indeed fishy.

For a guy who always banters with a girl, Seungcheol is already gentle. He carefully passes April through it with our assistance, too.

It was a great teamwork. But being carried to the next station was the worst, I felt terrible for Soonyoung.

The treasure hunt happened next at Station 5. And Wonwoo volunteered himself to get things done. We helped him find the pieces and then let him assemble them. We can only watch him and hand him the pieces he needs.

And then the other team used their power to handicap our team. They used their given ability to peak on where are we and also on tying persons.

"Who was chosen?" Seungcheol immediately asked. But his face looks like he had a hunch.

"It's you and madam April, sir," one of the staff said. April's face was drained. She went pale for a moment, then her face became so red.

I am just not sure if it was because of anger. But she looks so angry to me. I didn't usually see her heated before unlike Yanika who had this resting-bitch-face always.

Seungcheol abruptly asked them to tie the two. Then the guys squealed, making me squeal for them, too. They looked cute. Seungcheol looked cute while naively asking for April's hand.

It was funny to see April's reaction.

After that, I also didn't have a choice, but to hold on to Soonyoung until we finished all the remaining stations.

"Are you still, okay?" I asked him once more when we were about to finish our last station. And then saw something on his forehead. I wiped his sweat and we suddenly stopped in the middle of our journey.

"W-why?" I asked.

We just stopped there.


Everyone was calling us, but he looked stunned. 

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