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Long overdue, but here is the update, guys. Thank you for patiently waiting. 

I have been sick and busy the past days. But hopefully, I am returning back to my momentum in writing. 


Chapter 16

Walking as fast as he could while checking on his watch constantly. Palli. Palli. It was what keeps on repeating head while rushing towards the practice room.

There was a sigh of ease when he finally reached inside the practice room. "Wae?" Wonwoo asked upon seeing Soonyoung arrived in haste. Wonwoo as friend never wanted to make things obvious so he silently asked when he saw his friend panting. He was the first person to have noticed him.

"그냥 • (geunyang)," Hoshi answered inaudibly, too. It was something that Wonwoo understood. It was rather private that he could not talk about it, that is what Wonwoo thought immediately so he didn't ask furthermore.

When Wonwoo didn't bother why Soonyoung was shallow breathing and was late with their practice, some other people couldn't stop their mouth.

"Hyung, wae? You are breathless and you look tired," Hoshi was taken a back. It was something that he didn't want to happen, but he had expected it. "Did you go on a workout before coming to practice?" It was his youngest who asked. Dino was just innocently asking his hyung tho.

Hoshi didn't know what to answer. If he won't answer Dino now, he would attract more curious mind.

Hoshi did. "Yeah," as simple as that. Then he went to the middle already to start the warm-up. Hoshi wanted to deflect it. He did not want to answer more because less talk, less mistakes. Dino also did not notice that. But Wonwoo has been observing his friend, he knew that he was hiding something.

"Wae? You know we are going to practice today, and we are going to get tired," Dino scolded him when he got near him.

"I just want to prepare myself from the dances," thankfully, he found an answer to the question.

Later, it died down which relieved him. Hoshi never wanted them to know about his enrollment. He did it so randomly that he didn't know why and how it happened. He was supposed to ask Aaliyah Brielle for help and suggest something, but things just happened so fast. He was still baffled with his decisions.

The schedule went smooth the following days. However, Soonyoung was extra tired and extra busy always. Whenever they go home, he was knocked down. He wouldn't even eat sometimes. Some of the members who are with him in the dorm has been witnessing this and they have been worried.

"Hyung, eodiga?" Seungkwan asked after he saw Soonyoung rushing out their dorm. Some of them began observing him more, too. As it became a habit of him to go out and not tell them what his schedules were.

"Just somewhere," Soonyoung answered Seungkwan intensifying his suspicion about his hyung's activities. Seungkwan still gave his hyung the benefit of the doubt.

It was another day to practice. Everyone prepared to go and get worn out again for the love of music, dance, and carats. It was something they would love to do whenever and wherever.

"Good morning!" Hoshi greeted in elation when he went out early in his room.

Seungkwan, who was startled with the sudden greetings, frowned. But the guy still greeted him back, "Good morning, hyung."

Seungkwan was mystified with the kind of reaction in the morning. What made his hyung day so good?

"Are you going somewhere hyung?" Kwanie asked his hyung because he usually goes out very early, too. Today he did not. However, he could see that he was already prepared to work.

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