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Bree was touched by the warm welcome from the team. Then she was asked to take care of the boys. Bree took a step forward after leaving her things and the bouquet on the side.

“Are you guys ready?” Bree told everyone as she faced the set of men in front of her.

“Ne!” Seventeen shouted.

“Before we start, we should warm up first. Who can lead the team for warm-up?” Bree asked them. Everyone immediately looked at Hoshi who was the performance leader.

They didn’t need to push him forward since he was already walking towards the front and took the lead.

Soonyoung began counting with his game face on. “Hana…Dul…Set…”

He was focused and everyone was intensive. Even Bree who was new to professionally seeing them was stunned by how they worked. Bree also followed the steps, carefully observing everyone in the mirror.

Stunned again at one point when Soonyoung’s eyes met hers in the mirror.
Bree liked how they didn’t complain about the harshness of the steps that the lead was given. He was just readying themselves as he had seen the steps in advance already.

“Thank you, Soonyoungie,” Bree was taken aback by what she called the guy. “Soonyoung-ssi,” she reverted what she said.

Soonyoung bowed and went back to the line.

Bree carefully examined their new song, and it was hard but fun. She created the steps alongside huge choreographers, too. She didn’t want to take all the credit however since she was given the task to do so, she had to present it to them.

“Let’s start.”

When Bree asked for them to start, everything was already under her control. They began to listen to every instruction that she gave to the guys.

“Chill. One. Pause. Two. Pause. Do not rush. Feel the move,” Bree instructing them.

Seventeen listening to each and every step Bree was teaching was amusing for them. They can’t really praise her yet since she also looks focused and teaching them the dance.

The amusement didn’t end there. Bree could not believe that they were able to finish the choreography in just a day. Usually, idols will give up mid-way and say that they will continue it tomorrow, but with the boys she felt respected.

Not only that she was awestruck by their fast-learning ability, but also their professionalism. Being respected in the industry is something hard to gain for people like Brielle as more and more people think they are more entitled than them.

"Good job, guys. We finished everything for a day. I am impressed," Bree said with so much glee in her face. She still couldn't believe what just happened.

They started early in morning, and they finished at around seven in the evening with breaks. "I believe I can leave the rest to your choreographer and to all of you guys," Bree said bowing once again.

She was confident since she knew that she did her best to teach them what they need to know. The demo video was already handed to the team so most probably they already know how to handle things from thereon.

"고마워 (ko-ma-wo), ssaem," everyone bowing and giving Bree a thumbs up.

" 어려워요 (eoryeowoyo), ssaem," Seungkwan complained. Bree was not upset hearing it. She knew what the guy was talking.

"Jinjja. The last part was hard. There were too many footsteps, ssaem," Dino one of the main dancers mentioned.

"We are serious, ssaem. The last part was intense, ssaem," Joshua knocked to Bree that actually made her smile.

"That part was the highlight; you guys were able to pick it up immediately. I trust in you guys. If you still can't get a grip on it, you guys can ask Soonyoung-ssi. Or you could call me, and I will give you one on one lesson," Bree once again smiled.

She was an intimidating person especially when teaching, but things were just a little bit chiller when she smiles brightly. They didn’t push the nagging since everyone was indeed drained.

Bree also has an appointment after her teachings, so she went ahead. “I will see you guys in a few days,” Bree waved goodbye before heading towards the door.

“Bye, ssaem.”
“See you next week.”
“Take care, ssaem.”

And everyone was waving goodbye to their able dance teacher and choreographer.

“Hyung, call her and tell her to come again tomorrow,” Dokyeom told Soonyoung who was still staring at the door whom Bree walked out to.

“Hyung!” Dokyeom repeated which pulled Soonyoung back to reality. Seems like Soonyoung who was usually empowered and energized to teach everyone with the steps that they lack was a little distracted.

“We had a good job, guys. I think tomorrow will be another great day to work hard. We can go home,” their leader, Seungcheol was considerate enough to feel their exhaustion. The steps were not easy at all. And as they all work hard always, Seungcheol knows it is better to get healthy rather than worn yourself out and get hurt in the process.

“We’ll get it properly tomorrow,” Seungcheol encouraged again so that nobody will stay in the dance room to tire themselves.

Seventeen dragged each other out of the room and went home after their tiring practice. Some went home and some went out to get some food first.

Bree was satisfied with the first day of her work. She is not someone who pushes something to perfection immediately. Polishing can still happen along the way. She knows that she could still correct things while they are practicing.

Bree went to her car and headed straight to where she is going to meet Ru, her friend.

A few minutes later, she was able to reach a luxurious restaurant. Bree bit her lip realizing she was under dressed in the restaurant that Ru picked.

That bloody girl didn’t inform me what to wear! Bree was fuming mad in her head as she began to look at the interior of the restaurant.

“Do you have reservation, madam?” an attendant went to assist her immediately.
“Ruro Andreyev,” when the waitress heard the name she got assisted immediately with care. Bree didn’t mind what other people was thinking already while she was walking to a classy restaurant.

Gladly, she was assisted into a semi-private area. There were enclosures for them so they can have privacy while talking, but thin once.

When Bree arrived, she abruptly saw her bloody friend – Ru who went to hug her tightly.

“Bozhe moi! I miss you, girl!” the girl in red lipstick told her.

“I miss you, too,” Bree patted her friend’s back. “But what the! You should have told me it was another expensive restaurant. Look at me,” Bree nagging at Ru.

“Still looks khoroshen'kiy. Still so pretty,” Ru told Bree.

As a friend, Ru could not deny that Brielle is a gorgeous girl. And she believes that whoever doesn’t see that is blind.

“Let’s sit. Eat and you talk. Cause I am excited to hear the stories already,” Ru as a cold-blooded person for Brielle looked extremely thrilled today and it was so new to her.

Their food arrived. “I got you a well done steak since you freakin’ hate uncooked food,” Ru informed Brielle when the server put her food on the table. Bree felt loved hearing that from her friend.

“While you got some medium rare once since you always crave for blood,” Bree answered back when it was Ru’s turn to receive her food. They were the only once who  an understand each other’s conversation.

“You got it,” Ru pointed a gun finger on Bree and shoot some winks on her.

They both laughed and began eating. But Ru can’t let go of Bree’s story. “Come on, Brielle. Tell me what happened after you called him pervert,” Bree almost choked after heaeing that funny rude memory.

“Don’t remind me. But I felt embarrassed that time, too. I acted like I own the island while saying that and I was on my swimwear,” Bree’s face began to heat up saying that.

That cropped fitted shirt and black bikini didn’t help.

But she knew it was a good memory of hers.

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