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Chapter 6

"Are you okay?" When I was the one asking the same question a while ago, this time it went the other way around. They were the ones asking me if I was fine. Well, it is reasonable. "Gwaenchana? Are you okay, ssaem?" Mingyu asked for the third time. Wonwoo was the one carrying me at this point.

"Ne," I am glad that I didn't stutter. My back hurts a bit, for real tho.

"Aniya! You are hurt. Soonyoung, mwohae!? You dropped ssaem. Why in the world did you do that!?" Seungcheol's tone was out-of-the normal. He was mad for sure.

"I am okay. I promise. I am all good," I had to stop Seungcheol from scolding our team members. I had to assure them that I was fine, or they would worry more and things would focus on me.

Soonyoung halted at the moment I wiped his forehead. We were left behind all of a sudden because of the stop. Our distance from our teammates was about a hundred meters until they realized it immediately. I never thought that it was because I made him feel uncomfortable.

Then the next thing he did was even more unforeseen.

The guy just dropped me on the ground. The other guys realized immediately that we were left, but immediately came to look for us. However, panic consumed everyone when Soonyoung unknowingly freed me.

He became disoriented.

Wonwoo came back running to me when he saw Soonyoung flopped me there. He was still unmoving after. We also knew we didn't have much time, so I told them I was fine. Vernon only grabbed Soonyoung so he would run while Wonwoo took turns carrying me.

The ground was fine. It was sandy and gratefully, it was better than being flopped on the concrete floor. I bit my lip remembering how embarrassing that was.

Was he thinking I was the one perverted now? Did wiping his forehead make him really uncomfortable?

We went back to the main hall after the games. For the time being, we all decided that I would be walking so I wouldn't be burdening anyone anymore. But they still wanted to get me checked by the paramedics on the island. They were all worried about me, not to their co-member who went awkward because I wiped his forehead.

Wonwoo and Mingyu brought me to the medical booth. I only had a few scratches because of the games. I hurt my back and hand a little, but I am fine.

Although, my right hand ended up having a bandage. I, unfortunately, used it to support my weight. I sprained my wrist. To not be a trouble for the guys I told them I would walk.

They only assisted me while we were walking back to the main hall.

"Ssaem, mianhae," Mingyu apologized. He was worried. I can say that he is such a sweet guy. But sometimes, he was clumsy. He tripped for the third time today.

I laughed at him. "Ani. I am okay. I already told you, guys. This is just a small thing. I will recover fast," I reassured him and gave him a smile.

"Don't hide your emotions. If it hurts, it hurts. Say it. It's not good for anyone to hide what they really feel for someone else to feel better. It doesn't do you good nor anyone around you." Wonwoo seems like a guy who really doesn't talk a lot, but when he does, he speaks with his heart. He is emotionally intelligent.

"My back hurts, too," I blurted out momentarily. It was like a mandatory response to his words of wisdom.

"Omo, ssaem!" Mingyu panicked again and held my elbow. He was already assisting me loosely, and now he was closely standing beside me.

Wonwoo seemed to be pretty pleased when I told him about what was hurting me at the moment. He looked like a nice guy. I am beginning to learn their individual traits. "But I am serious when I said I am okay. I already told the nurse a while ago about the backache. She gave me a cold compress and little massages a while ago. So, I felt better. Although, I will need to go back for the Xray since I refuse to take it for now," I informed them.

"Getting an injury was pretty normal when dancing, I think I might have made your friend uncomfortable that's why he dropped me without warning," I even added.

"But it was not right for him to drop you. He could just have said he was not fine with whatever that is that made him dropped you, ssaem," Mingyu was furious.

"I am sure you knew Soonyoung was an introverted person and he rarely put himself into a comfortable situation, especially when dealing with strangers," Wonwoo told Mingyu. "Just better watch out for it, ssaem," Wonwoo then looked at me.

I nodded as I agreed it was my fault. "Indeed. It was my fault. I touched his forehead without permission. I invaded his privacy by wiping his sweat."

We reached our teammates, but Wonwoo and Mingyu acted weirdly after I told them why Soonyoung might have dropped me. Then they began to whisper to each other. I wasn't able to hear any of it since I was a little far and I was sitting beside April who still had this annoyed face.

"Are you okay now?" she asked.

"Yeah. I am good," I responded to her question.

"I heard you will still need to get scanned later on," April reminded me. I didn't even ask how she knew now since this girl was the Yanika's best friend, the heiress of the entire resort. I totally forgot about their lineage. Of course, April would easily get her ears on the staff of the resort. "You will go. You will not skip that one," April decided to force me.

"Yes, madam. I will not forget about it," I answered her, full of sarcasm which she immediately understood.

"Anyway, I heard that she dropped you because she got flustered about you wiping his sweat?" I saw April talking to Seungcheol and the others a while ago before she came and sit with me.

The news was flying so fast.

"I did wipe his sweat. But I was just wiping it with no other intentions," I defended.

"Oops! Defensive? I am just asking," it was no use of denying it. I am sure it was Mingyu who was spreading the rumor already. Soonyoung was barely looking at me. He even looked away when I tried looking for his eyes.

Things became raged when the other team arrived. They arrived still following the rules. Two persons tied together holding hands – that was Yanika and a pretty guy. Then someone was still being carried.

We looked at each other immediately. April and Seungcheol looked at each other and we began panicking.

Yes, we were not instructed to let go even after we finished all of the tasks which means all of the rules were still on going.

We were doomed.

Leadernim and April immediately held hands even when April looked disgusted at him. Since I was already sitting and I wasn't using my feet, I was an exemption. I only lifted my feet on the ground and Soonyoung came beside me.

Our lunch began and I cannot go and serve myself so the other guys were the ones who served me and then the two guys who were tied, were bickering again on who is who.

"Your food," I looked at him and it was Soonyoung.

Startled. Yes. Because he came and gave me food when he literally just dropped me a while ago.

"Thank you," I answered then he sat beside me.


Did I hear that, right?

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